• 2021 September 29 17:21

    DP World-owned Unifeeder partnering in world-first marine trial of carbon-neutral synthetic natural gas (SNG)

    Today, in a world first for the marine industry, Unifeeder-operated ship ‘ElbBlue’ was fuelled with liquefied SNG for a trial voyage in a major boost for the shipping industry’s efforts to reduce its carbon emissions.

    The liquefied SNG, produced at Kiwi’s Power-to-Gas facility in Werlte, Germany is a synthetic form of LNG that is carbon-neutral and generated from 100% renewable energy.

    With the European Commission releasing a proposal this year requiring the shipping industry to reduce emissions to net-zero by 2050, the development and testing of revolutionary energy sources such as liquefied SNG is an important step in carbon reduction for the industry.

    The trial comes as Unifeeder, owned by global end-to-end logistics firm DP World, has launched its Actual Emission Tracker, a tool that allows for users to calculate greenhouse gas emissions at the specific TEU level.

    The Actual Emission Tracker gives companies further insight into the carbon impact of their activity, assisting with the measurement tools required to track and reduce carbon emissions.

    With a blend of 20 tons SNG and 20 tons conventional LNG, the ‘ElbBlue’ is expected to save approximately 56 tons of carbon output on its coming voyage to St. Petersburg, as opposed to operating on 100% LNG.

    With the largest feeder and shortsea network globally, Unifeeder Group vessels operate across Europe, Middle East, Indian Subcontinent and South East Asia.

    In 2017, the ‘ElbBlue’ - then named ‘Wes Amelie’ - was retrofitted as dual-fuel engine made by MAN Energy Solutions to be able to operate on LNG. MAN Energy Solutions reports that the retrofitted engine reduces SOx emissions by >99%, NOx by approximately 90%, and CO2 by up to 20% basis conventional LNG.

    To mark the significance of the trial, an event was held in the port of Brunsbüttel, near Hamburg, Germany. Prominent guests expected to attend included Mr. Jan Philipp Albrecht, Minister for Energy Transition, Agriculture, Environment, Nature and Digitalization of the state of Schleswig-Holstein, Mr. Norbert Brackmann, MdB, Maritime Coordinator of the Federal Government and Dr. Uwe Lauber, CEO MAN Energy Solutions.

    Should the trial be successful, it is hoped that renewable SNG and dual-fuel engines can be used to reduce the shipping industry’s carbon output.

    Jesper Kristensen, CEO Unifeeder and COO DP World Marine Services, said: “The launch of Unifeeder’s SNG trial in conjunction with our project partners is a thrilling and timely

    development for our business as our industry continues to seek ways to reduce carbon output to meet customer, business and environmental policy demands.

    “A successful trial voyage will complement our environmental initiatives across Europe, such as our investment in more efficient rail and barge inland services, as well as our ongoing sustainability ambitions at our terminals across Europe. And with the launch of Actual Emission Tracker by Unifeeder, we are seeking to provide our customers with the tools and options that help them to measure output and make lower carbon supply chain choices.”

    Timm Niebergall, Shortsea Director Unifeeder, said: “This is a great opportunity to showcase new fuel technology and we are proud to be at the forefront of this exciting development. As the leading operator of feeder and shortsea services in Europe and around the globe, the future availability of green(er) fuels is essential. Our customers in Europe and beyond are expecting innovative solutions for improving our, and thereby also their, carbon footprint. In short, synthetic LNG is an exciting product and we are therefore very proud to be the first operator testing this new fuel on one of our vessels.”

    Stefan Eefting – Senior Vice President and Head of MAN PrimeServ, Augsburg –said: “This is a crucial step on the road to decarbonising shipping. In reducing or even eliminating future emissions generated by the global supply-chain, synthetic fuels and engine retrofits have a crucial role to play. While a retrofit instantly reduces a ship’s emission-levels, synthetic fuels like SNG can enable it to run 100% climate-neutrally. Today, we are demonstrating that any LNG-retrofitted ship can also run on fuels generated by power-to-X technology, and even as a mix of fuels depending on availability.”

    Unifeeder, MAN Energy Solutions and vessel owner Elbdeich Reederei have partnered on the trial over the last two years, with all firms involved aiming to further advance carbon reduction efforts in the maritime shipping sector.

    About DP World

    We are the leading provider of worldwide smart end-to-end supply chain logistics, enabling the flow of trade across the globe. Our comprehensive range of products and services covers every link of the integrated supply chain – from maritime and inland terminals to marine services and industrial parks as well as technology-driven customer solutions.  

    We deliver these services through an interconnected global network of 181 business units in 64 countries across six continents, with a significant presence both in high-growth and mature markets. Wherever we operate, we integrate sustainability and responsible corporate citizenship into our activities, striving for a positive contribution to the economies and communities where we live and work.

    Our dedicated, diverse and professional team of more than 56,000 employees from 140 nationalities are committed to delivering unrivalled value to our customers and partners. We do this by focusing on mutually beneficial relationships – with governments, shippers, traders, and other stakeholders along the global supply chain – relationships built on a foundation of mutual trust and enduring partnership.

    We think ahead, anticipate change and deploy industry-leading digital technology to further broaden our vision to disrupt world trade and create the smartest, most efficient and innovative solutions, while ensuring a positive and sustainable impact on economies, societies and our planet.

    About Unifeeder Group

    The Unifeeder Group is an integrated logistics company with the most comprehensive and best-connected feeder network and rapidly growing shortsea business in Europe, the Middle East, the wider Indian Subcontinent and Asia Region with connectivity to more than 150 ports.

    As a key player in global and regional supply chains, Unifeeder Group plays a critical role as a facilitator of integrated supply chains, by providing efficient and sustainable transport solutions.

    By expanding the network, coming up with innovative solutions, and being agile in day-to-day operations, Unifeeder Group continues to support customers to concentrate on their core business in an ever more competitive and integrated world.

    About MAN Energy Solutions

    MAN Energy Solutions enables its customers to achieve sustainable value creation in the transition towards a carbon neutral future. Addressing tomorrow’s challenges within the marine, energy and industrial sectors, we improve efficiency and performance at a systemic level. Leading the way in advanced engineering for more than 250 years, we provide a unique portfolio of technologies. Headquartered in Germany, MAN Energy Solutions employs some 14,000 people at over 120 sites globally. Our after-sales brand, MAN PrimeServ, offers a vast network of service centres to our customers all over the world.

16 июля 2024

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15 июля 2024

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14 июля 2024

11:11 Грузооборот турецких портов в январе-июне 2024 года вырос на 3,2% — до 269,1 млн тонн
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08:23 Председателю совета директоров Московского речного пароходства Вадиму Березину 88 лет!

13 июля 2024

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13:42 Михаил Мишустин утвердил распределение обязанностей кураторов ряда федеральных и национальных проектов
12:38 Петербургский городской причал у Летнего сада оборудуют новым металлическим понтоном

12 июля 2024

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