Northern Dvina Basin Administration opens navigation season of 2021
Vologda District of Inland Water Ways is the first branch of Sevvodput (Administration of the Northern Dvina Basin) to open the navigation season of 2021, says the Federal Marine and River Transport Agency (Rosmorrechflot).
Favorable hydrometeorological conditions ensured early ice clearance. Therefore, aids to navigation were placed on the Vologda river five days ahead of schedule.
Sevvodput services the waterways of Russia’s European North with a total length of 6,705 km.
Major waterways run by Sevvodput: Northern Dvina system of locks, Vologda, Sukhona, Northern Dvina, Pinega, Vaga, Vychegda, Kuloy, Mezen, Sysola, Vashka Onega, Malaya Onega, Kubena and Kenozero.