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  • 2013 June 25

    Infrastructure issues of SPIEF 2013

    At the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2013, the state and the business shared the opinion that the best strategy in the days of the global economy crisis is to invest in infrastructure. Corresponding agreements were concluded during the event – Chinese company entered the Yamal LNG project, Rosneft secured supplies of ‘black gold’ to China, and Gennady Timchenko announced the intention to set up new VIOC. The story of Belkomur also entered a new round.

  • 2013 June 20

    Ust-Luga: gas attack

    Two gas terminals are launched at Ust-Luga port – a complex for processing of stable gas condensate with an export terminal (Novatek) and a terminal for transshipment of LPG and light oil products (Sibur). Both of them will open new market channels for Russian suppliers. Besides, they are unique for the national port industry and their owners count on changes in export regulations.

  • 2013 June 17

    Change of Black Sea container service

    Over the recent months, the participants of the container market in the Black Sea region have been intensely discussing possible escape of some global liner operators from the Black Sea market.

  • 2013 June 11

    Train hard, rescue easy (photo report)

    Basin exercise on search and rescue of people in distress were held on June 5, 2013 in Taganrog Bay near entrance buoy of Yeisk seaport.

  • 2013 June 7

    Containers are not for sale

    Amid speculation about possible sale of UCL Port, the Holding owner Vladimir Lisin declared the determination to invest at least RUB 8 bln into St. Petersburg-based container terminal before 2025. IAA PortNews obtained a confirmation from the Holding on the absence of plans to sell UCL Port despite the consideration of a possibility to attract a strategic investor.

  • 2013 June 3

    Deepwater Bronka

    Outer port Bronka is nearing one of its most significant construction phases – the start of dredging works which are to be financed by the federal budget.

  • 2013 May 29

    Shipping without detention

    If a vessel is detained upon the results of inspection carried out by the port state control authorities, a ship owner will certainly suffer severe losses. At the seminar “Types of state control at seaports. Methods to prevent detention.” Russian Maritime Register of Shipping outlined the most typical claims of officials and provided ship owners with some hints on how to avoid detention.

  • 2013 May 27

    7 years later

    7 years after a decree on establishment of the United Shipbuilding Corporation, it was charged with working out the development strategy through 2030. Actually, the corporation is turning into a “shipbuilding ministry” distributing state orders and orders of state companies.

  • 2013 May 21

    Lines sink each other

    Quarter I, 2013, saw a slight growth of average freight rates for maritime container transportation – some 4.5%. However, hot competition between lines, high bunker prices and negative situation at conventional trade directions give no rise to optimism.

  • 2013 May 20

    Trans-Siberian Railway in Seven Days

    Russian Railways, TransContainer and VSC have announced the launch of a new regular express container service – Trans-Siberian Railway In Seven Days. Meanwhile, logistic market players think that railway transit from the Far East has no promising prospects.