Shanghai expected to handle 21m TEU in 2006
It said the period over the next five to 15 years is regarded as critical in terms of the future direction the port's development path will take, according to an unnamed government official in Shanghai, who was cited as saying that during this time the port will focus on expanding capacity and upgrading services.
Meanwhile, construction of the second phase Shanghai's deepwater port of Yangshan is forecast to be finished before the end of the year. Yangshan's phase one terminal handled 2.15 million TEU in the first 10 months of operation up to September 30, 2006. The commencement of operations at Yangshan has helped Shanghai enjoy one of the highest liner service frequency levels among all mainland China seaports, with approximately 2,173 liner services a month calling at Shanghai and linking the gateway to more than 300 ports worldwide. Elsewhere on the mainland, container volume at the Port of Qingdao is expected to exceed eight million TEU in 2006, while general cargo throughput will reach 220 million tons, according to the president of the Qingdao Port Group, Chang Dechuan.