• 2024 February 24 09:57

    MPA selected 11 proposals to advance electric harbour craft designs in Singapore

    The expression of interest (EOI) launched by the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) on 10 July 2023 for proposals on designs and to promote adoption of full electric harbour craft (e-HC) in Singapore received 55 proposals from 32 international and local companies and consortia. The results signal high interest and strong confidence by global and local participants in the development of e-HC in Singapore.

    Participants had submitted technically strong e-HC designs, including the use of optimised aluminium hull form, high energy density batteries with active liquid cooling, battery thermal detection and protection system, among others. They had also stated in their proposals that the total cost of ownership for e-HC can be comparable to a conventional harbour craft. While e-HC currently have higher upfront capital cost due primarily to the higher cost of the batteries and associated systems, these can be mitigated by energy cost savings from operating the more energy-efficient e-HC, reduced maintenance cost and operational downtime.
    Several participants have also proposed business models to optimise the harbour craft resource at the sector-level while lowering overall total cost of ownership to individual companies. These proposals aim to encourage more companies, especially those with smaller fleet size, to make the transition to e-HC, by presenting viable business cases based on aggregation, while enabling an efficient and responsive sector-level capability to meet the needs of ships calling into Singapore. 11 proposals selected for further cost reduction, design enhancements and demand aggregation

    The evaluation panel has completed the evaluation of all the proposals and MPA has shortlisted a total of 11 passenger launch and cargo lighter vessel designs submitted by seven companies and consortia. Together with various research institutes (RI) such as the Institute of High-Performance Computing, Solar Energy Research Institute of Singapore, the Technology Centre for Offshore and Marine, Tropical Marine Science Institute, and Institutes of Higher Learning (IHL) such as the Nanyang Technological University, National University of Singapore, Singapore Institute of Technology, and Singapore University of Technology and Design, MPA will support an enhancement programme for our researchers in the maritime domain to enhance the vessel designs, safety and cybersecurity, and reduce the energy requirements. This will help reduce the overall costs for these designs when scaled up and support continuous improvements. When the designs and prototypes are ready, the participants can progressively market these enhanced e-HC reference designs to interested parties and aggregate production demand from the industry. The use of ready reference designs and production at scale is expected to help reap cost savings for companies planning to make the transition to e-HCs.

    Of the 11 e-HC designs, six have secured the relevant technical approvals from Classification Societies such as American Bureau of Shipping, Bureau Veritas, China Classification Society, DNV and RINA, and will be seeking to aggregate industry demand for their designs. The six designs submitted by the Coastal Sustainability Alliance, marinEV, and Pyxis Maritime Pte Ltd, demonstrate strong understanding of Singapore’s requirements in areas including battery specifications, digital and cyber systems, training requirements and development of local capability. These participants will be working directly with MPA and its researchers over the next two to six months to optimise and validate their e-HC designs, depending on their current maturity and readiness.

    The remaining five proposals were submitted by CAEV+ Consortium, China Everbright Environment Group Limited, Cyan Renewables Consortium, and Gennal Engineering Pte Ltd. MPA will work with these participants, together with the various IHLs and RIs, to further develop their e-HC designs. The scope of enhancements will  include optimisation of the vessel hull and electrical systems design, the design of fire- resilient battery room, and cyber health monitoring system, to strengthen the vessels’  energy efficiency and safety. Similarly, these designs can be progressively implemented for demand aggregation from the industry.

    Other initiatives to support the harbour craft sector
    MPA had recently announced the three vessel charging concepts to be piloted in Singapore following the call for proposal in August 2023 to develop, operate, and maintain e-HC charging points in Singapore. Insights from the data collected during the pilot will contribute toward the development of a national e-HC charging infrastructure masterplan, implementation plan, and national standards for e-HC charging infrastructure. MPA is also working with Enterprise Singapore, industry stakeholders and academia to develop a Technical Reference (TR) for e-HC charging.

    The draft TR is estimated to be ready for public consultation in 2Q 2024. In October 2023, MPA invited financial institutions and intermediaries to submit financing and insurance solutions through an EOI to help early movers with the higher upfront cost of owning e-HCs. The EOI closed on 19 December 2023 and MPA is currently evaluating the proposals submitted. These solutions will address the current gaps in the financing and insurance landscape, support the rollout of these new vessel designs and grow the maritime finance and insurance market.

    For biofuels, blends of up to B50 are already commercially available. MPA is working with industry to develop the standards for up to B100. New harbour craft from 2030 would have the choice for their engines to be B100 biofuel capable or be compatible with net zero fuels such as hydrogen when it is more readily available.

    MPA selected 11 proposals to advance electric harbour craft designs in Singapore

    The expression of interest (EOI) launched by the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) on 10 July 2023 for proposals on designs and to promote adoption of full electric harbour craft (e-HC) in Singapore received 55 proposals from 32 international and local companies and consortia. The results signal high interest and strong confidence by global and local participants in the development of e-HC in Singapore.

    Participants had submitted technically strong e-HC designs, including the use of optimised aluminium hull form, high energy density batteries with active liquid cooling, battery thermal detection and protection system, among others. They had also stated in their proposals that the total cost of ownership for e-HC can be comparable to a conventional harbour craft. While e-HC currently have higher upfront capital cost due primarily to the higher cost of the batteries and associated systems, these can be mitigated by energy cost savings from operating the more energy-efficient e-HC, reduced maintenance cost and operational downtime.

    Several participants have also proposed business models to optimise the harbour craft resource at the sector-level while lowering overall total cost of ownership to individual companies. These proposals aim to encourage more companies, especially those with smaller fleet size, to make the transition to e-HC, by presenting viable business cases based on aggregation, while enabling an efficient and responsive sector-level capability to meet the needs of ships calling into Singapore. 11 proposals selected for further cost reduction, design enhancements and demand aggregation

    The evaluation panel has completed the evaluation of all the proposals and MPA has shortlisted a total of 11 passenger launch and cargo lighter vessel designs submitted by seven companies and consortia. Together with various research institutes (RI) such as the Institute of High-Performance Computing, Solar Energy Research Institute of Singapore, the Technology Centre for Offshore and Marine, Tropical Marine Science Institute, and Institutes of Higher Learning (IHL) such as the Nanyang Technological University, National University of Singapore, Singapore Institute of Technology, and Singapore University of Technology and Design, MPA will support an enhancement programme for our researchers in the maritime domain to enhance the vessel designs, safety and cybersecurity, and reduce the energy requirements. This will help reduce the overall costs for these designs when scaled up and support continuous improvements. When the designs and prototypes are ready, the participants can progressively market these enhanced e-HC reference designs to interested parties and aggregate production demand from the industry. The use of ready reference designs and production at scale is expected to help reap cost savings for companies planning to make the transition to e-HCs.

    Of the 11 e-HC designs, six have secured the relevant technical approvals from Classification Societies such as American Bureau of Shipping, Bureau Veritas, China Classification Society, DNV and RINA, and will be seeking to aggregate industry demand for their designs. The six designs submitted by the Coastal Sustainability Alliance, marinEV, and Pyxis Maritime Pte Ltd, demonstrate strong understanding of Singapore’s requirements in areas including battery specifications, digital and cyber systems, training requirements and development of local capability. These participants will be working directly with MPA and its researchers over the next two to six months to optimise and validate their e-HC designs, depending on their current maturity and readiness.

    The remaining five proposals were submitted by CAEV+ Consortium, China Everbright Environment Group Limited, Cyan Renewables Consortium, and Gennal Engineering Pte Ltd. MPA will work with these participants, together with the various IHLs and RIs, to further develop their e-HC designs. The scope of enhancements will include optimisation of the vessel hull and electrical systems design, the design of fire- resilient battery room, and cyber health monitoring system, to strengthen the vessels’ energy efficiency and safety. Similarly, these designs can be progressively implemented for demand aggregation from the industry.

    Other initiatives to support the harbour craft sector

    MPA had recently announced the three vessel charging concepts to be piloted in Singapore following the call for proposal in August 2023 to develop, operate, and maintain e-HC charging points in Singapore. Insights from the data collected during the pilot will contribute toward the development of a national e-HC charging infrastructure masterplan, implementation plan, and national standards for e-HC charging infrastructure. MPA is also working with Enterprise Singapore, industry stakeholders and academia to develop a Technical Reference (TR) for e-HC charging.

    The draft TR is estimated to be ready for public consultation in 2Q 2024. In October 2023, MPA invited financial institutions and intermediaries to submit financing and insurance solutions through an EOI to help early movers with the higher upfront cost of owning e-HCs. The EOI closed on 19 December 2023 and MPA is currently evaluating the proposals submitted. These solutions will address the current gaps in the financing and insurance landscape, support the rollout of these new vessel designs and grow the maritime finance and insurance market.

    For biofuels, blends of up to B50 are already commercially available. MPA is working with industry to develop the standards for up to B100. New harbour craft from 2030 would have the choice for their engines to be B100 biofuel capable or be compatible with net zero fuels such as hydrogen when it is more readily available.

1 июля 2024

16:59 В Китае организовано регулярное наблюдение за ледовой обстановкой в акватории Севморпути
16:46 Дизель-электроход проекта 21180М «Евпатий Коловрат» передан ВМФ России
16:28 ADNOC L&S заказала танкеры-газовозы на двух южнокорейских верфях на сумму около $2,5 млрд
16:06 Мультимодальный транспортный узел создадут на базе речного порта в Подмосковье
15:51 Количество судозаходов в порт Архангельск с начала 2024 года увеличилось на 17,7%
15:32 В Санкт-Петербурге введен первый в мире полномасштабный тренажер свободно падающей шлюпки
15:11 Алексей Шило освобожден от должности заместителя гендиректора РЖД
15:04 «Терминал Астафьева» (Приморье) планирует перевалить 70 тыс. TEU контейнеров в 2024 году
14:46 Балтзавод начал резку металла для строительства судна атомно-технологического обслуживания проекта 22770
14:30 Вступил в силу запрет ИМО на использование мазута в качестве судового топлива в Арктике
14:13 Китайская CNOOC завершила строительство крупнейшего в мире хранилища СПГ
13:55 В ЦБ видят необходимость «охлаждения» спроса на импорт
13:29 Денис Илатовский: Спад погрузки на РЖД связан с негативными трендами на товарных рынках и ограничениями инфраструктуры
13:11 На всем протяжении строящейся железнодорожной линии к порту «Лавна» ведется монтаж контактной сети
13:07 В ЦБ видят риски расширения льготных программ кредитования в промышленности
12:52 Ространснадзор проверил безопасность работы Новосибирского судоходного шлюза
12:33 Ликвидировано масштабное загрязнение берега и прилегающей акватории порта Астрахань
12:16 Дефицит флота для обеспечения грузопотока на СМП к 2030 году может достичь 55%
11:57 Акваторию бухты Нагаева (порт Магадан) до конца 2024 года избавят от 6 затонувших судов
11:36 Мембранная технология хранения СПГ компании «ГТИ» получила принципиальное одобрение РС
11:19 В Приморье пассажир буксира упал за борт в ходе доставки работников в лесозаготовительный пункт
11:02 Квота на экспорт из России лома и отходов черных металлов продлена до конца 2024 года
10:43 Глава Минтранса Роман Старовойт распределил обязанности между своими заместителями
10:24 Теплоходы выполнят более 350 судозаходов на Северный и Южный речные вокзалы Москвы в июле 2024 года
10:11 Погрузка на сети РЖД за январь-июнь 2024 года сократилась на 3% — до 600 млн тонн
10:05 ООО «Завод ГЕРМЕС» получило свидетельство РС о собственном производстве
09:47 Утверждено Положение о государственном мониторинге многолетней мерзлоты
09:28 Владивостокский автомобильный терминал за январь-июнь 2024 года обработал почти 35,6 тыс. машин
09:09 «Мурманский морской торговый порт» приступил к капитальному ремонту железнодорожной инфраструктуры
08:47 Заказчики Самусьского ССРЗ могут претендовать на субсидию в размере 10% стоимости баржи грузоподъемностью 2,5 тыс. тонн
08:23 На строящемся пароме проекта CNF11CPD «Василий Ощепков» ведется монтаж спасательных устройств
08:00 Объявлены сведения о фактических глубинах в морском порту Ялта

30 июня 2024

12:41 В порту Гданьск (Польша) завершилась операция по подъему упавшего крана
12:02 Подводная лодка «Великие Луки» продолжает заводские ходовые испытания в морских полигонах
11:41 Возбуждено уголовное дело по факту столкновения маломерных судов в Ростовской области
11:21 Разрешение на экспорт бензина продлили до 31 июля 2024 года

29 июня 2024

14:09 В главную базу Тихоокеанского флота вернулись корабли, выполнявшие задачи двустороннего учения
13:07 Денис Мантуров: Судостроительная отрасль России является одной из самых высокотехнологичных
12:44 Импорт сырой нефти КНР в январе-мае 2024 года снизился на 0,4%
11:48 Китай увеличил импорт угля в январе-мае 2024 года на 12,6%
08:00 ИАА «ПортНьюс» поздравляет читателей с Днем кораблестроителя!

28 июня 2024

19:00 Мнение: Новые положения КТМ в части подъема затонувших судов являются спорными с правовой точки зрения
18:56 Сингапурский международный арбитражный центр: Санкции не препятствуют рассмотрению дел с участием российских лиц
18:51 Акваторию порта Туапсе закроют для судов на несколько часов 29 июня
18:43 Эксперт: Необходимо создание Морского арбитража в рамках БРИКС+
18:35 В России предлагается создать Бюро или ассоциацию диспашеров
18:26 Мнение: России необходимо принять Кодекс эксплуатации Северного морского пути
18:14 Правительство РФ скорректировало расчет ставок экспортных пошлин на зерно
18:06 В Национальной ассоциации морских агентов считают необходимой актуализацию КТМ
17:59 В Минтрансе обозначили направления совершенствования Кодекса торгового мореплавания
17:45 Итоги рабочей недели с ПортНьюс 17-21 июня
17:27 Минтранс: Российское регулирование автономного судоходства опережает мировое
17:08 BP замораживает проекты, связанные с альтернативной морской ветроэнергетикой
16:47 Росморпорт не смог с двух попыток найти подрядчика строительства перехватывающей стоянки в Пионерском
16:21 Через шлюзы Волго-Балта за два месяца навигации 2024 года прошло более 15 тыс. судов
15:34 NYK и Astomos Energy провели церемонию имянаречения двухтопливного СУГ-танкера Gas Amethyst
15:13 Ограничения по осадке судов на реке Северский Донец (Ростовская область) сняты с 28 июня
14:49 В Ленобласти спущен на воду многоцелевой скоростной катер проекта 15MJ
14:25 TSSM заказала у Damen третье судно для обслуживания будущих морских ветропарков
14:07 Уровни воды на большинстве рек Обь-Иртышского бассейна в июле ожидаются выше и около нормы
13:50 Шесть гидроузлов Беломорканала прошли регулярное обследование
13:32 Совет директоров ДВМП избран в составе девяти человек
13:11 В порту Кавказ прошло учение по локализации и ликвидации разлива вакуумного газойля
12:53 Лайнер Astoria Grande с марта по июнь 2024 года выполнил 13 круизов и перевез более 11,5 тыс. пассажиров
12:34 Началось формирование программы III конференции «Судоремонт, модернизация, комплектующие»
12:16 На учениях в Мурманске таможня пресекла контрабанду радиоактивных веществ через морской пункт пропуска
11:59 НИС «Дмитрий Песков» вышло в экспедицию в Берингово море
11:44 ЕРП в навигацию 2024 года завезло 43,5 тыс. тонн грузов в населенные пункты Таймыра и Эвенкии
11:29 В Хабаровске спущен на воду несамоходный землесос проекта 4395 «Амурский-203»
11:13 Усть-Лужский контейнерный терминал обработал первый судозаход китайской контейнерной линии Newnew Shipping