• 2019 March 14 15:20

    Damen Shipyards Cape Town starts construction of the first of three Multi-mission Inshore Patrol Vessels for the South African Navy

    On Saturday, the 23rd of February 2019, Damen Shipyards Cape Town (DSCT) hosted a keel laying ceremony, marking the start of construction on the first of three Multi-mission Inshore Patrol Vessels (MMIPVs) for the South African Navy. These vessels will aid in protecting the country from threats such as trafficking, illegal fishing and piracy, as well as support job creation and enterprise development.

    The keel laying ceremony is a maritime tradition that dates back to the times of wooden ships and is said to bring luck to the ship during construction and to the captain and crew during the vessel’s later life. The tradition involves placing a newly minted coin under the keel (the primary structural backbone of the ship around which the hull is built) and building over it.  

    The coin laid at the DSCT event was a commemorative medal made in honour of the late President Nelson Mandela’s 1993 Nobel Peace Prize win. The coin was placed under the keel by the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans, Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula. The keel bar was then lowered on top of the coin and welded into the structure – a privilege that went to Nobelungu Tshangase from Velddrif on the West Coast who is one of the top performing apprentices at Damen’s training school. The training school has since inception in 2010 educated 150 young people from previously disadvantaged communities and recently enrolled a new class of 10.

    Addressing the event which was attended by several members of parliament, dignitaries, Armscor and South African Navy personnel, DSCT Director, Sam Montsi, said: “The event today signifies the start of the building of the first MMIPV. Over the years, our shipyard has undertaken many projects for local and international clients but none as significant as the MMIPV project. The MMIPV’s  will be built and delivered within the agreed specifications, timelines, and budgets.

    “In addition, more than one million man-hours of work will be created during the construction of the MMIPVs. This project will sustain and/or create more than 1,000 direct and indirect jobs.

    “We are also supporting and facilitating opportunities for local businesses. We will be working with these Small Medium and Micro Enterprises to improve their performance which will lead to improvements in their product or service offering, business processes, lead times and delivery. This will ensure that non-traditional suppliers cease to operate on the peripheries of the formal economy and increasingly become more sustainable. Over and above this, we are striving to optimise local content”.

    Arnout Damen, Chief Commercial Officer of the Damen Shipyard Group added: “The Group is immensely encouraged by the award of the MMIPV contract to Damen Shipyards Cape Town. The Group stands by the shipyard and will work with the local teams including Armscor and the South African Navy to ensure that the MMIPVs are built to the highest standard and delivered on time. It is our intention to ensure that at the end of the project we have achieved significant transfer of technology and skills, as well as facilitated growth of enterprises as envisioned in these imperatives.

    “I can assure the gathering that there are indeed great opportunities to be realised in the Blue Economy. However, exploiting these, in my humble view, will be greatly facilitated by careful planning and constructive engagements between the Government and its various organs on the one hand, and the private sector on the other. The Damen Shipyards Group has expertise and experiences that can be instructive in this regard. In a few countries where we are involved in shipyards and dockyards, we have successfully facilitated the development and growth of the shipbuilding industry and revitalisation of dockyards in collaboration with national navies and other parties. We are willing to engage with the Government and other relevant bodies to explore how we can assist in this initiative.”

    The Minister stated that the MMIPVs will be work horses of the South African Navy, reducing the load off the Navy’s existing fleet of frigates. “While prevalence of piracy has somewhat declined, the extent of maritime crime observed – including trafficking, illegal fishing and smuggling – has been on the increase indicating that the maritime domain lacks law enforcement. The new vessels would be well suited to this task.

    The MMIPVs expanded capacity will enable South Africa to mount cheaper, more focused and more effective missions and operations against the above-mentioned threats and challenges it encounters in its maritime domain, especially illegal fishing and trafficking. This improved capacity will be of immediate and immense national benefit. Of particular interest will be the possible impact on maritime security in the Southern African Development Community, the rest of Africa and beyond”.

    “With the building of the patrol vessels, we are demonstrating that we are truly an industrial powerhouse and most importantly, highlighting that the South African Defence Industry has the requisite capabilities and capacity, and that government spending has a positive socio-economic spin off on our society at large.”

    “The President of the Republic, in his now famous ‘Thuma Mina Campaign’, has invited everybody to step forward in their areas of strength and assist him and the Government in rebuilding the economy and creating opportunities for our people. I want to say to the President and to the Government, that DSCT and the Global Damen Group are stepping forward, we are raising our hands and saying: in the Blue Economy ‘thuma thina’, send us. We have the expertise, we have the technologies, we have the infrastructure, we have global experiences, and we can facilitate financial resources to help South Africa exploit the massive opportunities presented by the country’s Blue Economy,” concluded Montsi.

    The first vessel is due to be completed by mid-2021 and start serving the people of South Africa. The second and third are scheduled for delivery in 2022 and 2023, respectively.

    About Damen Shipyards Cape Town (Pty) Ltd:

    A subsidiary of the Damen International Shipyard Group, Damen Shipyards Cape Town (DSCT) builds ships in Africa for Africa and has to date constructed and delivered over 40 vessels for numerous countries on the African continent. These vessels have included offshore patrol vessels, dredgers, tugs, naval craft and supply vessels. The Level 3 BEE rated company strives to be an employer of choice in the South African shipbuilding sector and is committed to furthering the future of the industry and expanding employment opportunities within it through the provision of internships, apprenticeships and training. In addition, DSCT endeavours to build vessels that harness local materials and services and, where necessary, assists in the development of local suppliers and service providers to ensure that they meet the standards required for world class quality vessels. Through these efforts, DSCT encourages local entrepreneurship and job creation.

    Damen Shipyards Group
    Damen Shipyards Group operates 36 shipbuilding and repair yards, employing 12,000 people worldwide. Damen has delivered more than 6,500 vessels in more than 100 countries and delivers some 175 vessels annually to customers worldwide. Based on its unique, standardised ship-design concept Damen is able to guarantee consistent quality.

    Damen’s focus on standardisation, modular construction and keeping vessels in stock leads to short delivery times, low ‘total cost of ownership’, high resale values and reliable performance. Furthermore, Damen vessels are based on thorough R&D and proven technology.

    Damen offers a wide range of products, including tugs, workboats, naval and patrol vessels, high speed craft, cargo vessels, dredgers, vessels for the offshore industry, ferries, pontoons and superyachts.

    For nearly all vessel types Damen offers a broad range of services, including maintenance, spare parts delivery, training and the transfer of (shipbuilding) know-how. Damen also offers a variety of marine components, such as nozzles, rudders, winches, anchors, anchor chains and steel works.

    Damen Shiprepair & Conversion (DSC) has a worldwide network of eighteen repair and conversion yards of which twelve are located in North West Europe. Facilities at the yards include more than 50 floating and (covered) drydocks, the largest of which is 420 x 90 metres, as well as slopes, ship lifts and indoor halls. Projects range from the smallest simple repairs through Class’ maintenance to complex refits and the complete conversion of large offshore structures. DSC completes around 1,300 repair and maintenance jobs annually, both at yards as well as in ports and during voyages.

16 июля 2024

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09:09 Баржа получила повреждение корпуса при прохождении порога на Енисее
08:46 Состояние гидротехнических сооружений ВМТП проинспектировано руководителями отраслевых ведомств
08:23 Анадырский морской порт (Чукотка) с начала навигации обработал около 30 тыс. тонн угля
08:00 Обновлены сведения о фактических глубинах и проходных осадках судов на акватории порта Посьет (Приморье)

15 июля 2024

19:00 Подготовка к Главному Военно-Морскому параду внесет изменения в график разводки мостов в Петербурге
18:35 Администрации «Волго-Балт» передан земснаряд проекта Ц480Д «Константин Безюков»
18:13 Мнение: Развитие арктических проектов требует инновационных подходов для подготовки кадров
17:54 Инвесторы могут продлить сроки строительства судов по первым крабовым аукционам до 7 лет
17:36 В Рыбинске началась погрузка секций плавдока для ПСЗ «Янтарь»
17:19 Турция сократит импорт пшеницы в сезоне 2024/2025 на 16% — до 8 млн тонн
16:58 На площадке «Красные Баррикады» ЮЦСС капитально отремонтируют плавучую буровую установку «Бриз» «Лукойла»
16:37 Датская Torm купит на вторичном рынке восемь танкеров-продуктовозов и продаст один типа MR
16:15 Продажи бункерного топлива в порту Сингапур за январь-июнь 2024 года выросли на 8,5%
15:54 Основной акционер Судоремонтно-судостроительной корпорации (Нижегородская область) снизил свою долю до 27,8%
15:36 Грузооборот порта Сингапур за январь-июнь 2024 года увеличился на 8,2%
15:21 Соглашение Maersk и Hapag-Lloyd о совместном флоте на контейнерных линиях вызвало вопросы у властей США
14:48 Сделка о покупке STX Heavy Industries компанией HD KSOE одобрена антимонопольными органами Южной Кореи
14:23 На Байкале пресечены нелегальные пассажироперевозки на судах в районе поселка Листвянка
13:59 Реконструкция порта Корсаков (Сахалин) будет выполнена в 2024-2027 годах
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13:05 НЭС «Михаил Сомов» доставило снабжение на остров Визе
12:32 Совокупный грузооборот терминала CSP Abu Dhabi с момента запуска превысил 5 млн TEU
12:04 Российско-китайское учение «Морское взаимодействие – 2024» пройдет с 15 по 17 июля
11:44 Заместителем генерального директора РС назначен Алексей Березин
11:36 Таможня в порту Ростов-на-Дону в первом полугодии 2024 года оформила более 2 тыс. судов
11:27 РС: Автоматическая система обмена данными в диапазоне очень высоких частот сменит существующую АИС
11:11 Судопогрузочные машины доставят на терминал минудобрений в Усть-Луге в сентябре 2024 года
10:48 В порту Находка (Приморье) планируется реконструкция причала №25
10:29 «НОВАТЭК» в первом полугодии 2024 года снизил реализацию природного газа на 3,3%
10:12 Петербургский суд постановил взыскать с Wartsila 7,6 млн евро в пользу Балтзавода
09:53 Ученые саратовского вуза запатентовали модель гребного винта для арктических судов
09:31 Атомоход «Сибирь» завершил ледокольную проводку двух судов в порт Певек
09:08 Пассажиры речных электросудов в Москве с момента запуска регулярных маршрутов совершили 1 млн поездок
08:45 Навигация 2024 года открылась в порту Тикси (Якутия)
08:22 Часть акватории Татарского пролива предоставлена в обособленное водопользование погрануправлению ФСБ
08:00 Готовится к публикации третий номер журнала «ПортНьюс» за 2024 год

14 июля 2024

11:11 Грузооборот турецких портов в январе-июне 2024 года вырос на 3,2% — до 269,1 млн тонн
09:29 На реке Индигирка в Якутии столкнулись два теплохода
08:40 Перевалка зерна на терминалах «Деметра-Холдинг» по итогам сезона составила 12,5 млн тонн
08:23 Председателю совета директоров Московского речного пароходства Вадиму Березину 88 лет!

13 июля 2024

15:21 Китай успешно применяет «морскую милицию» для контроля над спорными водами без вооруженного конфликта
13:51 Правительство РФ снизило порог обязательной репатриации валютной выручки
13:42 Михаил Мишустин утвердил распределение обязанностей кураторов ряда федеральных и национальных проектов
12:38 Петербургский городской причал у Летнего сада оборудуют новым металлическим понтоном