DNV GL receives DAkkS re-accreditation for renewable energy certification services
DNV GL, the leading global certification body for renewable energy services, has been re-accredited by the German accreditation body Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH (DAkkS), the company said in its press release. This allows DNV GL to conduct conformity assessment of wind turbines and their components, wind farm projects and their assets, small, medium and large wind turbines, on- and offshore technology, ocean energy converters and related services and technologies, generating units and plants in wind energy, photovoltaic, hydropower and biomass sector.
The re-accreditation is testament to DNV GL’s continued commitment to deliver high-quality certification services for global product manufacturers, developers- and operators of renewable energy projects, as well as banks, investors and insurers.
Following a thorough re-accreditation process, DNV GL’s offices in Hamburg, Copenhagen and Dresden are now fully qualified to make independent certification decisions. Previously, all certificates have been issued in one central location, the renewed accreditation enables a worldwide setup for the service lines component, type and project certification.
The accreditation covers a range of national and international guidelines and is in accordance to ISO/IEC standard 17065, which came into force in 2012 and replaced the ISO/IEC Guide 65 as well as the corresponding European standard DIN EN 45011.