Maersk Line delivers a reliability score of 82% in Q2 2015
Maersk Line delivered a reliability score of 82% in the second quarter of the year as reported by maritime analyst SeaIntel, with a satisfactory gap of 5.5% against the industry average of 76.5%.
Head of Operations Execution Keith Svendsen explains that the dynamics of the shipping industry impacts the overall industry performance as well as Maersk Line’s. “The shipping industry is constantly changing with the number of alliances aimed at having lower costs expanding. With larger vessels in their fleets, carriers have an incentive to reach ports on time to ensure that loading/discharging of ever increasing numbers of containers can be done in the most time and cost efficient manner. The product of these factors is now starting to show,” he explains.
Improved port congestions and the resolution of labour disputes in the United States has had a positive effect especially on the Asia-US West Coast trade (increased from 14.9% to 60.6%), but also on the global figures. The Asia-North Europe and Asia-Mediterranean trades have seen an upswing of scores as more carriers are stabilising their services.
For the Asia-North Europe and Asia-Mediterranean trade lanes, Maersk Line posted, as of June, a carrier performance of 93.5% and 92.5% respectively; reflecting a trend of increasing scores. After a tough first quarter on the Transatlantic trade, Maersk Line increases its consistency of delivering on-time performance.
The East-West Network posted a combined schedule reliability score of 79.8% in June, an increase of 5.4 percentage points from the previous quarter.
Through optimised rotations and berthing windows which will better fit the reality of cargo flow, Maersk Line revised East-West Network will overall improve the company’s schedule reliability performance further.