News 2016 August 5

23:00 Throughput of port HaminaKotka (Finland) up 3.7% to 7.9 mln t in 7M’16
17:12 Transport and Logistics Complex invested RUB 500 mln in construction of railway approaches to Ust-Luga’s Yug-2 terminal
16:47 Emergency training exercise involving LUKOIL-BUNKER vessels held in the Kola Bay (photo)
16:05 Loading at Russian Railways’ Oktyabrskaya branch up 10.4% to 59.3 mln t in 7M’16
15:38 LUKOIL continues facility construction for the second stage of Filanovsky field development in the Caspian Sea
15:16 Khersones sailing ship welcomes first cadets
14:49 Volgogradneftemash has shipped two oversize coke drums for Gazpromneft Omsk Refinery (Photo)
14:20 Fincantieri delivers the first two OPVs to the Bangladesh Coast Guard
13:33 Murmansk will host 9th international conference “Arctic Shelf Development: step by step” on November 14-15
13:02 AMELS and DAMEN announce the sale of the first DAMEN SeaXplorer expedition yacht
12:41 New APL service connects China to Rotterdam
12:19 OPDR improves connection from Portugal and Gibraltar to Rotterdam
12:00 Damen highlights the advantages from the Damen Optima Nozzle to the North American inland shipping sector
11:52 Crowley awarded new contract to supply commercial LNG to Molinos de Puerto Rico
11:31 Bunker prices at port Novorossiysk resume their downward trend (graph)
11:07 Indicative bunker prices go down at the port of Saint-Petersburg (graph)
10:40 HI’2016 net loss of Lena United River Shipping Company down 1.4 times to RUB 387.1 mln
10:18 Brent Crude futures price down 1.17% to $43.77, Light Sweet Crude – down 1.14% to $41.45
09:59 Net profit of Yantar Shipyard up 1.8 times to RUB 1.2 bln in 2015
09:35 Federal Customs Service limits the competence of Baltic Customs Point (e-declaration center)
09:17 Baltic Dry Index down to 636 points

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