Action week against FoC ships kicks off in the Black Sea ports
On December 1, 2014 the Action Week against 'flag of convenience' ships was launched in the ports based in the Black Sea region, the Seafarers' Union of Russia (SUR) press release said. This year, it is the second action week in a row carried out by the unions of the Black Sea and the third one since its launch in the region.
The campaign for fair treatment of seafarers will be joined by the inspectors of the International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF), representatives of the maritime unions of Black Sea countries, including those of the Southern and the Black Sea and Azov territorial organizations of the SUR.
The Action Week is aimed at checking working and living conditions of seafarers on ships sailing under flags of convenience. Particular attention during inspections on board will be given to the availability of ITF approved Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBA), verification of employment contracts. During the campaign, the sailors will be able to access the inspectors for assistance in resolving any issues ranging from wage arrears, repatriation, to food, uniforms and others.
The unions will be checking the availability on board of Maritime Labour Certificate (MLC certificate), confirming that the shipowner complies with the requirements of the Consolidated ILO Convention 2006 on maritime labor, and all standards of the so-called Seafarers' Bill of Rights.
The owners of ships where the inspectors will find violations of the seafarers' rights, the lack of ITF CBAs, or MLC certificates, will receive notice to conclude CBA negotiations and the immediate restoration of seafarers' guarantees. As a preventive measure in the fight against substandard shipping, the shipowners and masters that ignore the rights of crew members may be boycotted by members of the marine and stevedoring unions in the following ports of call.