Throughput of port Primorsk slightly declines to 74,768,700 tons in 2012
In 2012, throughput of port Primorsk slightly declined to 74,768,700 tons against 75,124,900 tons in 2011, administration of Big Port St. Petersburg states.
Oil transshipment fell by 3% to 68,244,900 tons. Transshipment of diesel fuel increased by 31% to 6,523,800 tons.
Commercial Seaport Primorsk is the largest port of the North West region of Russia in terms of oil and oil product export. It is the final stage of the Baltic Pipeline System (BPS) and main product pipelines Kstovo-Yaroslavl-Kirishi-Primorsk (Sever project) of AK Transnefteproduct OJSC.