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  • 2009 October 15

    Shtockman term issue

    The terms of Shtockman deposit project implementation are still doubted. First day of Murmansk Economic Forum, Urii Komarov, Chief executive of Shtockman Development AG did not exclude the opportunity that the shareholders may revise the terms of deposit putting into operation.

  • 2009 October 12

    Functional system of OSP in IWW needs revision, SLA

    Shipping Lines Association (SLA) carried out an analysis of the Order Draft issued at the site of the RF Ministry of Transport "Functional subsystem of arrangement of works on prevention and elimination of oil and oil products spillage (OSP) from vessels and objects of sea and river shipping within inland waterways (IWW) of a single state system of emergency situations prevention and elimination". As per the opinion of SLA’s specialists and that of the shipping lines experts the draft has a number of drawbacks.

  • 2009 October 8

    Renegotiation expansion

    Moscow and Saint-Petersburg warehousing property markets introduced a new term to cargo-handling and freight sectors – renegotiation. Experts evaluate this speculative tendency to be negative artificially driving down prices. Logisticians warned, renegotiation can influence any sphere of business life.

  • 2009 October 2

    Investment test

    Notwithstanding significant slump of car sales in Russia and growth of import charges, investors continue to launch and develop Ro-Ro terminals. In particular, main stage of construction of OJSC Petrolesport’s ferry complex was completed. The complex will become the main point of cars import for Rolf SCS. Besides, the automobile company started to accept cars in Vostochny Port in 2009.

  • 2009 September 28

    A line is drawn under the crisis

    Within the framework of a business program of the 10th international exhibition «NEVA-2009» which took place in St. Petersburg, PortNews IAA held a conference "Beyond the crisis outline. New routes of water transport development". The list of speakers included great international experts in the sphere of maritime transport, representatives of the RF Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Finance, RF Customs, Fishery Agency, RosMorPort FSUE, port of Rotterdam, Russian ports and transport holdings who covered the perspectives of further development and told about implementation of the largest investment projects in the ports

  • 2009 September 23

    Water transport enters “NEVA”

    The 10th international exhibition and conference for shipping, shipbuilding, ports and offshore energy exploration NEVA-2009 has started operation in St. Petersburg. Over 600 companies from 37 countries participate in the event despite the global crisis

  • 2009 September 18

    Russian cranes conquer the market

    The situation in the market of lifting and handling equipment (LHE) for Russian seaports attracts high interest today as the expression “the crisis plays into the hands” is quite applicable for Russian crane producers. Andrei Pochtennov, Director General of Tehnoros Group, covers the situation in his interview to PortNews IAA

  • 2009 September 16

    Hazy hub

    The project on creation of a new port in the Kaliningrad region will be efficient only if it functions as a hub handling ocean going container carriers, the project developers believe. According to the Directorate of the State Customer for Marine Transport Development Programmes FSE, optimal capacity of the new port’s container terminal should be 12 mln TEUs per year with total cargo turnover of 131.5 million tonnes. However, market players are not sure about economic efficiency of the project

  • 2009 September 14

    Vysotsky’s heights

    Port Vysotsky LLC specializing in transshipment of coal delivered from Kuzbass mines plans to increase the throughput by 18.2%, year-on-year, to 3.5 million tonnes in 2009. However, the investment program aimed at the terminal capacity expansion and cargo flow diversification was laid aside because of the global financial crisis

  • 2009 September 8

    Chinese warning

    Baltic Dry Index (BDI), which grew in June 2009 to a pre-crisis level, demonstrated the decrease throughout the entire summer but has stabilized by now. Experts say, the increase in business activity may not result in new growth of the index as a lot will depend on the demand for raw materials in China which shows no signs of the tendency for growth so far