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  • 2010 June 19

    General Director of ZNT Yard Sergei Konovalov: “Leasing is one of the effective mechanisms for financing the construction of ships”

    ZNT Yard OJSC is one of the few small-tonnage shipbuilding assets of the United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC). Currently, the company’s portfolio of orders is small, however, the enterprise's management sees an opportunity for the development of the shipyard, including through the construction of leasing schemes involving USC. The company’s General Director Sergei Konovalov told about ZNT Yard work and prospects of shipbuilding in Russia in a recent interview with PortNews IAA.

  • 2010 June 16

    General Director of Rostov Universal Port Andrei Leshchenko: “In 2010 our port will see a threefold rise in freight traffic volume”

    Multimodal transport logistics hub Rostov Universal Port is an ambitious project that can change the usual logistical schemes of handling coal, grain, fertilizers, metals and containers in Southern Russia, including transportation via inland waterways. In a recent interview with PortNews IAA Andrei Leshchenko, General Director of RUP has told about the current project achievements, development plans, its advantages and prospects.

  • 2010 June 3

    Biting carriers

    In the last month an increase in freight rates in international maritime transport is reported. This applies to both dry bulk and container cargoes. According to experts, carriers are in a hurry "bite" their share of the pie of the season and the overall recovery of demand for container and commodity goods. commodity.

  • 2010 May 31

    Iron logic

    Russia seeks new distribution areas for export of the metal. It is especially significant now, when the demand on metal falls. In this context the development of the Caspian transport gate to Iran and India becomes especially important, behind which there are some geopolitical implications associated with the tension over Iran nuclear program. Here Russia places bets on the development of the port of Olya, which should gradually take over some cargo from the port of Astrakhan.

  • 2010 May 27

    To put the blame on other ports

    The dynamics of reduction of volume of timber cargo transshipment in 2009 set all records. The situation has now stabilized, however, market participants say there is no point to expect the previous volumes of timber exports - the crisis in the forest industry in Russia is of a systemic character.

  • 2010 May 23

    USC hits the mark

    Looking for ways to improve the competitiveness of domestic shipyards United Shipbuilding Corporation intends to take steps to ensure that Russia's place in the top ten of the largest shipbuilding powers not only due the total cost of ships that are under construction, but also due to the tonnage. Deputy Director of USC, Dmitry Mironenkov, within the framework of the forum "Maritime Industry of Russia" that took place in Moscow presented a strategy for the corporation development, involving "dot modernization" of shipbuilding assets.

  • 2010 May 14

    Customs post to cross the border

    Implementation of the concept of customs clearance transfer to the state border has particularly acute impact on the transport and logistics situation in the North-West Russia and, accordingly, in St. Petersburg. Namely here we see the main import cargo traffic. According to experts, the implemented reforms still have bad influence both on business and on the city, where the number of cargo transport is only increasing. and This region is concentrated mostly imported freight.According to experts, the changes being pursued so far have a negative impact both on business and on the city, the number of trucks in which only increased. A technique of "dry ports" in its present form does not make sense regarding economics.

  • 2010 May 6

    Driving out of crisis

    Despite the impressive decline in car sales in Russia and obstructive duties on their import, stevedoring companies expect to restore freight of Ro-Ro cargo and continue to invest in the expansion of the corresponding terminal capacities, primarily in Northwest of Russia. At the same time, there is number of obstacles.

  • 2010 May 6

    Crude Gain

    It is known that the freight turnover at Russian ports consists largely of raw materials - oil, coal, grain, mineral fertilizers and iron ore. At the same time, recent events in the world, such as the debt problems in some of the European countries, the accident in the Gulf of Mexico and the raw materials glut on China market have influenced the situation concerning the demand on these commodities.

  • 2010 April 29

    Nikolay Smirnov: «We've managed to save the fleet in the complicated period »

    In the south regions of Russia vessels traffic in inland waterways started in the first decade of April. Since April, 30 transit navigation will be launched in Volga-Baltic Route. Nikolay Smirnov, President of Association of shipping companies, told in his interview to Port News IAA about the challenges and problems of river navigation in 2010.