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  • 2013 February 22

    Sergei Ogai, Rector of Nevelskoi MSU: “our graduates with navigational specializations are in great demand”

    Sergei Ogai, Rector of the Maritime State University named after admiral G.I.Nevelskoi, tells PortNews IAA about the University activities and development plans.

  • 2013 February 18

    European interception

    While Russian ports are counting potential losses from standardization of railway tariffs, European Union is preparing solid investments into ports competing with Russia. Russian railways may win in this situation.

  • 2013 February 14

    Good Hope for Suez Canal

    The authorities of unrest-stricken Egypt have come to a decision to increase the Suez Canal toll. The response of the shipping community was contradictory – some announced a possible redirection of vessels to the route via the Cape of Good Hope, others think there is no alternative to the Canal anyway. Russia may turn it to her advantage if she ensures economically attractive conditions for the use of the Northern Sea Route.

  • 2013 February 8

    Sergey Baryshnikov: “Two stories merge together”

    Sergey Baryshnikov, Rector of Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping tells PortNews IAA about the merger of two large maritime institutions: Admiral Makarov State Maritime Academy and St.-Petersburg State University of Waterway Communications.

  • 2013 February 6

    Peotr Parinov: “We introduced restrictions following the actual situation” (photo report)

    Russian seaports in the Gulf of Finland are iced over but the navigation is still active. In this weather it is not easy to manage operation of 15 icebreakers including one nuclear icebreaker. Peoptr Parinov, head of the Basin Committee on arrangement of icebreaker support, Harbor Master of Big Port St. Petersburg, tells PortNews IAA about the routine winter work at the headquarters of icebreaking operations.

  • 2013 January 30

    Customs is for railway

    Andrei Belyaninov, head of the Federal Customs Service (FCS), has proposed to redirect foreign trade cargo flow from motor transport to railway. Meanwhile, it may harm our national ports, particularly with the customs policy itself.

  • 2013 January 24

    Fantasy-free shipbuilding

    Russia completely gives up on her dream to compete with South Korea, China and Japan in construction of large capacity vessels. Instead, it was decided to focus on arctic vessels, platforms and naval shipbuilding. The consolidation of shipyards within the United Shipbuilding Corporation provides for more sound specialization of the plants.

  • 2013 January 18

    The Baltic’s nuclear flavour

    In view of the severe ice situation in the Gulf of Finland in winter navigation of 2010-11, Russia decided to secure itself by sending nuclear icebreakers to assist diesel-electric ones in the Baltic Sea. Meanwhile, operation of one nuclear icebreaker being equal to that of a diesel-powered open sea icebreaker costs 4-5 times more. In case of oil price fall, deployment of nuclear icebreakers will become economically impractical. Engaging of icebreakers from Finland is under consideration.

  • 2013 January 14

    Igor Feodorov, Governor of Nenets autonomous region: “Having to overtake arrears”

    Nenets autonomous region is taking more significance in view of intensified navigation along the Northern Sea Route and Arctic development. Igor Feodorov, Governor of Nenets autonomous region, tells in his interview to PortNews IAA about the region’s infrastructure projects – Pechora LNG, prospects of Varandey terminal and Narjan-Mar port, revival of Amderma settlement as well as other projects.

  • 2013 January 10

    Customs bestowed with strategy

    Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has confirmed the Russian Customs Service's strategy through 2020. The schedule of measures within the strategy is to be set forward by April 30, 2013 with a provision for a transfer to electronic document flow by 2014. In our opinion, the strategy reflects the position of the Federal Customs Service (FCS) with little respect of the business community’s interests.