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  • 2015 February 25

    Deep findings

    Russian ports should engage in dredging to keep from touching the bottom. Dynamic development of national port infrastructure necessitates large-scale dredging works. Their efficiency depends on improved legislation, attraction of worldwide leaders and construction of dedicated domestic fleet. The above issues were discussed by the industry representatives at the II International Forum of Dredging Companies arranged by Media Group PortNews.

  • 2015 February 18

    Solutions against flooding of rivers

    Rivers ecosystem is an essential part of our nature. Rivers are not only a source of water, fishery but actually are arteries of any country used as shipping lanes for delivery of goods. But the river's unpredictable behavior can lead to disasters, devastating adjacent inhabited areas. Branch Manager of Van Oord in Russia Anko Bos told IAA PortNews about river floods prevention measures and solutions provided by Van Oord in the Netherlands and elsewhere.

  • 2015 February 13

    Ex-head of Rosmorflot Aleksandr Lugovets: “It is the territory, not the port, that needs preferences”

    Recently revived idea of the Far East ‘renaissance’ is based to a great extent on the transport development. Interviewed by IAA PortNews, Aleksandr Lugovets, former deputy head of RF Transport Minister, head of Rosmorflot and Director General of FESCO; and presently Class 1 Active State Advisor of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Economics, Professor at Admiral Nevelskoy Maritime State University, Expert of Economic Council at Primorsk Territory Duma, talks through ‘extravagant understatement’ of the state plans and drawbacks of the projects.

  • 2015 February 10

    Ust-Luga comes to finish

    Ust-Luga Company OJSC, a contractor building the port of Ust-Luga, has announces gradual closing up of its activities due to the completion of the state contract on the port construction. Meanwhile, earlier announced throughput of 170-180 mln t per year is still a distant prospect – in 2014, the port handled 75.6 mln t of cargo. However, we think the project has achieved its major strategic objectives and its independent development is quite possible.

  • 2015 February 4

    Yachts come first

    Draft amendments into federal special-purpose programme “Development of Russia’s Transport System (2010-2020)" are to undergo public discussions. The sequestration of sub-programme “Marine Transport” will result in reduction of port facilities growth by 36.5 mln t per year, reduction of support and social fleet development while additional resources are to be allocated for the construction of yacht marina and entertainment infrastructure in Gelendzhik.

  • 2015 January 30

    Liquid gas sellers

    Gazprom has chosen the location for its new LNG terminal in the Baltic region – it is to be built at Ust-Luga port. Experts believe, the project implementation will help Russian gas enter new markets. However, the investment project has not been developed yet.

  • 2015 January 26

    Common ground of citizens and river transport

    Port authorities of Paris, Strasbourg and Lyon tell special correspondent of IAA PortNews about river transport projects in the municipal transport system of France.

  • 2015 January 21

    Implications of transfer

    The ferry service of Crimea has been put under the jurisdiction of Crimean authorities. The property inventory is underway and a special company is to be established to run the service. However, the ferry service transfer to Crimea can mean negative consequences and shortcomings for its users.

  • 2015 January 13

    Past and future

    The past year was rich in the events significant for the sector of marine/river transport and port infrastructure. We have decided to emphasize the most crucial, from our point of view, industry related events of 2014.

  • 2014 December 26

    Industry-focused astrological forecast from IAA PortNews

    The year of 2015 is likely to be more peaceful than the previous one