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  • 2015 November 27

    Sergei Baryshnikov: “We can fight out storms”

    Sergei Baryshnikov, Rector of Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping, celebrates his 60th anniversary at work. In his interview with IAA PortNews he tells about the development of the country’s largest industry-focused institution.

  • 2015 November 23

    Short in funds – short in staff

    Russia’s shipping and shipbuilding sectors experience severe shortage of personnel while industry focused education is short of financing. There are only two ways out – ask either government or business for money.

  • 2015 November 19

    Far East to embark on LPG projects

    Recent years have seen the development of LPG transshipment infrastructure in Russia. However, the Far East region has not been involved in the process yet. Meanwhile, market players and experts forecast the demand for LPG to grow in the Asia-Pacific region.

  • 2015 November 16

    Vladimir Bragin, Harbour Master of seaport Azov: “the terminals’ operation is stable and their load is adequate”

    Seaport of Azov has been showing stable handling of conventional cargoes being responsive to investors’ plans. Vladimir Bragin, Harbour Master of the port, tells IAA PortNews about the current navigation season, development prospects and preparations for ice navigation period.

  • 2015 November 10

    Cruise prospects

    One of the major problems of cruise tourism is the lack of stability in the industry as well as its sensitivity to external influence like weather conditions or geopolitical situation. Russian regions face both common and specific challenges.

  • 2015 November 3

    Antitrust investigation initiated by FAS nears completion

    Federal Antimonopoly Service completes investigating an alleged container-shipping antitrust case. Market participants disagree with the allegations of FAS and point to a five-time reduction of freight rates over the recent years. The reasons for including certain operators into investigation also bring up questions.

  • 2015 October 30

    Ports to take the light side

    The pattern of oil cargoes transshipped via Russian ports of the Baltic basin is changing substantially. The share of Ust-Luga is growing, Primorsk is focusing on diesel fuel with the general trend showing the increase of light oil products in total throughput.

  • 2015 October 28

    Vladimir Nikitin: «Arctic demands an array of breakthrough technologies»

    Director General of the Krylov State Research Centre Vladimir Nikitin shared his views with IAA PortNews on the prospects of transport logistics infrastructure development in the Russian Federation Arctic zone regarding the shipbuilding industry.

  • 2015 October 21

    Cheer up, working class

    Russian shipbuilding companies are severely short of skilled workers in some specializations. In particular, shipyards attribute the current situation to absence of training in required sectors. Educational institutions, in their turn, blame it on improper organization of practical training at the enterprises.

  • 2015 October 15

    Greenway CEO Andrei Saveliev: “We count on participation in state projects”

    Cargo imports into Russia have reduced considerably over the past year and a half, which, in its turn, had a strong negative impact on customs and logistics business. Andrei Saveliev, CEO of Holding Company Greenway, tells IAA PortNews about the market situation and about the Company’s activities in the period of import substitution.