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  • 2015 December 29

    2015 year in review

    So, yet another troubled year is coming to an end. The year was full both of accomplishments and disappointments. The port complex of the country as usual demonstrated freight throughput growth, and once again largely Russian raw product exports contributed to cargo volumes gain. Inland shipping again teetered on the brink of collapse, now closer to a halt of transit cargo shipping. Traditionally, we are summing up the year's results. And may the coming year bring a little bit more success!

  • 2015 December 27

    NSC General Director Alexander Bryntsev: "The main goal is the development"

    Northern Shipping Company has summarized its ten-month operational performance in 2015. Despite the current understandable economic and international problems facing the nation, namely sanctions, fluctuations of USD and the EUR, NSC has achieved excellent results at the end of the company's anniversary year. We asked NSC' General Director Alexandr M. Bryntsev to prove success in figures.

  • 2015 December 22

    Phantoms of Russian infrastructure - 2015

    Though the year of 2015 featured a difficult economic situation and the reduction of budgetary financing in Russia, the list of ‘phantom projects’ has not changed significantly while some of those projects are slow but steady.

  • 2015 December 17

    Yevgeny Korban: “Rosterminalugol feels confident about the future”

    Rosterminalugol, the largest coal terminal in the North-West of Russia from which Ust-Luga port originated, is going to celebrate its 20-year anniversary. On the threshold of this event, the Company’s Managing Director Yevgeny Korban gives an interview to IAA PortNews.

  • 2015 December 16

    Vostochny Port: Phase 3 is coming

    Vostochny Port JSC is about to complete the construction of its Coal Terminal’s Phase 3. The facility will be put into operation in 2017. Implementation of the project will let increase the annual throughput of Russia’s largest coal-focused stevedore by 20 mln t to 39 mln t of coal.

  • 2015 December 16

    Vyacheslav Burin: Port Zarubino is ready to handle more cargo

    Development of Troitsa Bay seaport has commenced in the Primorsky Territory (Zarubino). Investments of the port’s sole operator Troitsa Bay Seaport (MPBT LLC) will make RUB 150 mln by the end of 2015. The port development is focused on cargoes from APR countries and domestic companies’ frozen fish. MPBT Director General Vyacheslav Burin tells IAA PortNews about current activities and future prospects of the port.

  • 2015 December 11

    Sergei Gaidayev: “Construction of Bagayevsky hydrosystem is the only solution for debottlenecking of Lower Don”

    Sergei Gaidayev, Head of Azov-Don Basin Administration FSI, talks IAA PortNews through the results of the navigation season 2015, optimization of fleet operations at the Lower Don and prospects of the waterways development.

  • 2015 December 8

    More for Ust-Luga

    Ust-Luga port has come up to Primorsk in terms of liquid bulk cargo transshipment driven by the development of two technologically tied terminals, those of Ust-Luga Oil and Nevskaya Pipeline Company. By today, they are fully operational but still there are possibilities for further increase and restructuring of cargo flows.

  • 2015 December 4

    Anti-Turkey sanctions

    Russia has so far responded to Turkey’s act of hostility with the ban on imports of Turkish goods. In fact, imports from Turkey make a quarter of container flow via the port of Novorossiysk. The implications can affect Arkas, Admiral and CMA lines. Meanwhile, market players are concerned about possible problems for ships flying the flag of Russia or carrying Russian goods to pass the Bosphorus.

  • 2015 December 2

    Review of Black Sea container market in January-September 2015

    In January-September 2015, Black Sea container terminals of Romania, Ukraine, Russia, Georgia and Bulgaria handled 1,723,269 TEUs including empty containers and excluding transshipment.