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  • 2016 April 6

    In pursuit of balance

    There is lack of balance between different types of transport in Russia. It is difficult to regulate under a free market economy especially amid extremely low water level at inland water ways (IWW). Nevertheless, RF Ministry of Transport is set to strive for adequate distribution of cargo flows between automobile, railway and water transport, though the Ministry of Finance does not side with all the measures proposed.

  • 2016 March 31

    Sergey Frank: Sovcomflot and Zvezda look into construction of Aframax tankers in the Primorye

    Sergey Frank, President and CEO of Sovcomflot, shares his forecasts on tanker market development in 2016 and tells about shipbuilding programme of Sovcomflot in an exclusive interview with IAA PortNews during his working trip to Vladivostok.

  • 2016 March 25

    Better a state fish than an empty dish

    Russia’s fishing fleet is rapidly deteriorating. Yet, most private companies cannot afford having new vessels built at domestic shipyards on their own resources alone. Therefore, there is a plan to develop a state programme to support construction of new fishing ships at Russian shipyards which see a reduction of construction costs amid the rouble’s decline.

  • 2016 March 22

    No bunker Klondike at Nakhodka

    Economic and legal aspects of the bunker market development in the Primorsky Territory raise much discussion related to technologies and interpretation of laws.

  • 2016 March 16

    Review of Black Sea container market in 2015

    In 2015, Black Sea container terminals of Romania, Ukraine, Russia, Georgia and Bulgaria handled 2,294,848 TEUs including empty containers and excluding transshipment.

  • 2016 March 14

    Transport impetus for the Arctic

    Decisions on investments into Arctic hydrocarbons were made in the period of high oil prices. According to recent views, LNG projects in the Arctic will not pay back if oil costs less than $60 per barrel. Despite pessimistic forecasts, Russian Government supports implementation of Arctic projects with a focus put on infrastructure development and measures undertaken for acceleration of return on investments.

  • 2016 March 9

    Nikolai Zharkov: “We are ready to take part in all programmes aimed at revival of the Russian fleet”

    The past year was quite busy for Krasnoye Sormovo shipyard (Nizhny Novgorod): launching of tankers, construction of a dredger, signing of new contracts. In his interview with IAA PortNews, Nikolai Zharkov, Director General of the company, tells about the shipyard’s work in 2015 and its plans for 2016.

  • 2016 March 3

    Peotr Aseyev, Director General of Rostov Multipurpose Port: “We expect regular development”

    Rostov Multipurpose Port LLC has increased its throughput in 2015 despite abnormally low water level at inland water ways of Russia and difficult market situation. Peotr Aseyev, Director General of RMP, tells IAA PortNews about the Company development and about the construction of a Multimodal Transport and Logistic Hub RMP.

  • 2016 March 1

    Deep-seated truth

    Port infrastructure is being intensely developed in Russia. Draught Strategy for the Development of Seaports Infrastructure till 2030 implies more dredging, also in Arctic conditions. Prospects of Russia’s dredging industry and import substitution were discussed by the participants of the 3rd International Forum of Dredging Companies organized by Media-Group PortNews. The Forum also saw the achievement of some agreements and signing of contracts significant for the industry.

  • 2016 February 24

    Smart Dredging

    Olivier Vantomme, General Director of Mordraga LLC, Russian subsidiary of the international dredging group DEME, tells IAA PortNews about the Group’s latest projects, its role in the global dredging market and in Russia.