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  • 2017 January 19

    Sergei Gaidayev: “Bagayevsky hydrosystem will create conditions for development of Russia’s South”

    In late 2016 FBI Azov-Don Basin Administration celebrated its 20th anniversary. Sergei Gaidayev, head of Azov-Don Basin Administration tells IAA PortNews about the work performed over the two-decade period, the results of the navigation season of 2016 and designing of the crucial hydraulic engineering facility on the Lower Don river.

  • 2017 January 16

    DNIIMF: The corridors lack macroeconomic prospects

    Experts say the format of international transport corridors Primorye-1 and Primorye-2 with forecasted annual traffic of 60 mln t and required investments of RUB 180 bln is out of date. In his interview with IAA PortNews, Mikhail Kholosha, Head of DNIIMF Transport Development Department, tells about the need to revise the model of transport potential development in the region.

  • 2017 January 13

    Composite solution

    OJSC Sredne-Nevsky Shipyard (SNS), leader of composite shipbuilding in Russia, has mastered the technology of building hulls of composite materials through vacuum infusion method. Upon completion of modernization SNS capacity on implementation of state defence orders and construction of civil ships will grow two or even three times.

  • 2017 January 12

    Victor Vovk: we expect state financing of river infrastructure facilities to increase in 2017

    Despite the challenges of navigation in some basins of Russia’s inland water ways, the Federal Marine and River Transport Agency (Rosmorrechflot) fulfilled the tasks of 2016 and embarked on implementation of the most important infrastructure projects. Victor Vovk, deputy head of Rosmorrechflot, tells IAA PortNews about the results of the past navigation season, about handling of the low water problem and about the activities to prepare for the navigation season of 2017.

  • 2017 January 5

    Anton Pyatkov: “The year of 2017 is a landmark for us”

    In 2017, Port Management Company LLC is going to complete implementation of the largest coal port project – to put into operation Phase III of Vostochny Port JSC. Anton Pyatkov, Director General of Port Management Company, tells IAA PortNews about this project and about the logistics of Russian coal exports.

  • 2016 December 29

    With new facilities into a new year

    Annual throughput capacity of Russian seaports has grown by 32 mln t and is expected to reach 715-720 mln t in 2016. The development of port infrastructure features new trends shaping amid the changing macroeconomic and geopolitical situation. IAA PortNews offers a brief review of 2016 events and trends in stevedoring sector, port infrastructure, shipping and shipbuilding.

  • 2016 December 21

    Phantoms of Russian infrastructure-2016

    The outgoing year has seen certain economic stabilization in terms of oil prices and exchange rates of rouble. Nevertheless, there is a severe budget deficit and the state is striving to minimize its expenses including those for infrastructure projects. In general, the list of ‘phantom’ projects has not changed significantly while the progress is seen mostly in transition from talks to paperwork and agreements. In fact, some projects are showing a real progress.

  • 2016 December 15

    Northern consolidation

    Russian Government is set to centralize the development of the Arctic through overcoming the lack of cooperation between different agencies. For that purpose the Northern Sea Route Administration is to be converted from a purely technical authority into an ‘arctic ministry’. Principal decisions on state regulation of Arctic activities are expected to be made by RF President in March 2017.

  • 2016 December 12

    Irina Olkhovskaya: “Economy and ecology cannot be separated”

    Irina Olkhovskaya, Deputy Director of Port Management Company LLC tells IAA PortNews about the environmental policy of Russia's largest coal holding.

  • 2016 December 6

    Navigating to the future

    Both the government and the business are optimistic about the future of Russian shipping. In their opinion, Russia could lead in the field of shipping industry innovations while macroeconomic trends are playing into the hands of Russian fleet and Russian flag. Nevertheless, the country will be influenced by international legislation.