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  • 2018 April 11

    Aleksandr Khodachek: “Improvement of PPP and concession mechanisms is needed rather than invention of new ones”

    Aleksandr Khodachek, President of National Research University “Higher School of Economics” in Saint-Petersburg, tells IAA PortNews about financial instruments efficient for construction of roads, ports and icebreakers.

  • 2018 April 6

    Konstantin Krasnokutskiy: “P&I Clubs always cover the damages if they were determined with a reasonable degree of certainty”

    A hallmark case concerning collision of m/v Delta Pioneer with a berth in the port of Primorsk on November 20, 2016, ended in Russia. A lawyer of the Greek shipowner, Konstantin Krasnokutskiy of Lex Navicus Concordia, told Portnews about the difficulties that the parties to the case encountered during litigation.

  • 2018 March 30

    State support

    Russia has laid a course for import substitution, introduction of new technologies in shipbuilding and support of domestic shipyards. Development of new financial mechanisms including leasing is also underway. Besides, a law is being drafted to ensure the priority deployment of vessels built in Russia while the Ministry of Industry and Trade is implementing its own project on support of LNG-powered ships.

  • 2018 March 27

    Tug of discord

    The allision of the Aframax tanker Delta Pioneer with a pier at Primorsk port caused by spontaneous release of the towing line resulted in a long arrest of the ship and scandal proceedings. Finally, the court approved the amicable agreement according to which the amount payable has reduced by a half versus the amount claimed initially and approved by the court of first appearance. However, further litigation is possible while the ship has not been released so far.

  • 2018 March 22

    Integration of ecosystems

    Amid the growing geopolitical tension Russian shipbuilding is keeping its way towards closer integration with Finland, its historical partner in this industry. Arctech shipyard was earlier consolidated under the control of Russia’s United Shipbuilding Corporation. Now, Russian company Transas is acquired by Finland’s Wärtsilä.

  • 2018 March 14

    Finances’ downward pressure

    Amid the global freight market’s stagnation lasting for several years, its tanker segment showed a severe plunge in 2017. In February-March the largest global shipping companies posted considerable losses of the past year. The situation is expected to improve in 2018-19 though long-term forecasts are vague due to instability of the global oil market.

  • 2018 March 6

    Steering the course

    Russian President Vladimir Putin has outlined the priorities of transport infrastructure development: increasing the capacity of railway links to the ports of Russia’s South and Far East, boosting cargo traffic along the Northern Sea Route, introducing innovations in shipping and shipbuilding, ecology. However, the President did not touch the issues of inland water transport or the development of land approaches to the Arctic ports.

  • 2018 March 1

    Grain by grain from Russian ports

    Grain exports from Russia are record high while dedicated port facilities, fleet and infrastructure are not sufficient for this amount of grain. United Grain Company, Russia’s largest grain infrastructure and trading company, is looking into large scale investments into construction of new terminals and vessels for grain exports. However, the effect is to be seen not earlier than in 5 years.

  • 2018 February 26

    Fishing spot

    There is a plan for a large scale modernization of fishery infrastructure in Russia as well as for a comprehensive renovation of the fishing fleet. Experts say legislation improvements are required in the field of dredging, hydraulic engineering, taxation and investment quotas in exchange for placing newbuilding orders with domestic shipyards.

  • 2018 February 20

    HAZMAT: Handle with care

    Russia needs to update national legislation and harmonize it with international safety requirements for handling dangerous goods (DG) amid growing exports from the country. At the same time, it is important to create transparent, competitive conditions for bona fide market participants engaged in intermodal transport of this types of cargo.