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  • 2019 May 6

    Containerization is underway

    Black Sea ports demonstrated a positive dynamics of container turnover in 2018. Novorossiysk slowed down its growth rates after a breakthrough of 2017 but continues containerization of more cargoes ensuring a higher flexibility for cargo owners and shippers. When speaking at the XV International Transport Forum YugTrans 2019, Aleksey Garmash, General Director of Novomorsnab LLC, told about the key trends in this segment.

  • 2019 April 28

    End of river shipping?

    The long-running dispute between inland shipping community and Russian Railways (RZD) over discounts during river navigation periods has entered a new phase. Oleg Belozerov believes the industry should decide on whether the country needs this “inefficient fleet”, with no guideline at hand for acceptable balance between the modes.

  • 2019 April 24

    Andrey Vakhrushev: “Our task is the development of the ports of Azov, Rostov-on-Don and Taganrog”

    The period of icebreaking assistance was completed at the ports in the Sea of Azov about a month ago with summer aids to navigation now having been deployed. Andrei Vakhrushev, Director of the Rosmorport’s branch in a recent interview told PortNews about this winter icebreaking season and its results, the maintenance and development in the basins of Rostov-on-Don, Azov and Taganrog ports.

  • 2019 April 17

    Regulatory barriers hinder development of seaports on the Don river

    Legislative framework is to be adjusted to ensure infrastructure development in seaports of Rostov-on-Don and Azov: the maritime status obtained in 2009 obliges them to apply maritime standards of design and construction while the conditions are typical for rivers.

  • 2019 April 12

    Sovcomflot: clean work

    Russian President Vladimir Putin has called on encouraging shipping companies to use environmentally friendly fuel. In Russia, a pioneer in this area is Sovcomflot which has a series of LNG powered tankers being built with several ships already in operation. They will be followed by construction of required infrastructure in Russia with relevant projects under development.

  • 2019 April 5

    Fishery renaissance

    Fishing fleet of Russia used to be expanded with vessels operated in other countries or built by foreign shipyards. It became possible to reverse the trend and to attract fishing companies have new ships built at domestic shipyards thanks to introduction of state support measures, namely investment quotas known as “keel quotas”.

  • 2019 April 2

    Acute issue of fish transportation by the Northern Sea Route

    Fish transportation by the Northern Sea Route is an acute problem. The Sevmorput, nuclear-powered LASH carrier / container carrier, is currently deployed for that purpose. Some market players do not consider it reasonable with a new fleet needed as a comprehensive solution. RF Government’s Marine Board might look into this issue.

  • 2019 March 27

    Sergey Gaidayev: “There will be no ship delays caused by construction of the Bagayevsky hydrosystem”

    Construction of the Bagayevsky low-head hydrosystem is underway on the Lower Don river. Prior to opening of the transit navigation, Sergey Gaidayev, head of Azov-Don Basin Administration, tells IAA PortNews about the previous year results, construction process and its impact on passage of vessels.

  • 2019 March 26

    Serik Zhusupov: “There are numerous challenges hindering the development of port industry”

    A regular meeting of the Board of Directors and General Meeting of the Association of Commercial Sea Ports (ASOP) was held in Saint-Petersburg on 22 March 2019. The conventional business programme carried a jubilee connotation – the country’s first port association celebrates its 30th anniversary. Serik Zhusupov, Executive Director of the Association, answers the questions of IAA PortNews.

  • 2019 March 19

    Andrey Mekhanikov: “Successful offshore transshipment has lead to the port development concept review”

    It has been decided to renounce the idea of large-scale onshore construction at the port of Shakhtersk (Sakhalin) in favor of offshore transshipment development. In 2-3 years the port is set to achieve a throughput of 20 million tonnes per year while the negative impact on the environment will be even decreased, Andrey Mekhanikov, Vice-President, Shipping and Stevedore Business Activities, East Mining Company, said in his interview with PortNews.