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  • 2020 June 11

    Interview with Vladimir Maizus, General Director of Onezhsky Shipyard

    In his interview with IAA PortNews, Vladimir Maizus, General Director of Onezhsky Shipbuilding, Ship Repair Yard which has recently laid down the lead crab catcher for a Russian customer, tells about the shipyard’s order portfolio, modernization and construction of fishing ships.

  • 2020 June 10

    Vyborg Shipyard head Aleksandr Solovyov: “We count on signing of new contracts”

    In his interview with IAA PortNews, Aleksandr Solovyov, General Director of Vyborg Shipyard, told about the company’s backlog of orders, causes of delay in construction of fishing ships and degree of their local content.

  • 2020 June 5

    Fish shipping by the Northern Sea Route: prospects and challenges

    Following Vladimir Putin’s statement of the necessity to establish regular transportation of fish products by the Northern Sea Route, Rosatom, Rosrybolovstvo and fishing companies outlined the conditions under which a regular fish line would be efficient in the Arctic.

  • 2020 June 4

    Aleksey Tarazanov: “Our segment features the most transparent and fair competition”

    Azov-Black Sea region plays a significant role in Russia’s foreign trade. In his interview with IAA PortNews, Aleksey Tarazanov, head of Turkish shipping company Marlin Shipmanagement, tells about operation of river/sea going ships in the region, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and toughening of environmental requirements on ship fuel as well as the prospects of fleet renovation and autonomization.

  • 2020 May 25

    Russian autonomous ships to be serviced by “maritime special forces”

    Experts and participants of the trial project on unmanned navigation in the Russian Federation aimed at widespread deployment of autonomous ships under the flag of Russia told about the project advancement at the dedicated videoconference “Autonomous ships – progress or blind lane?” organized by PortNews Media Group.

  • 2020 May 20

    RF Government scraps Russia’s Deepwater System project

    Russian Government has actually scrapped the Nizhegorodsky hydrosystem project, a milestone Russia’s river shipping development, having declared the need for additional modelling and consideration of alternatives. However, the modelling has already been conducted and according to its findings, this project has no alternatives.

  • 2020 May 13

    Stevedores are eligible for rent reduction and deferral

    RF Ministry of Transport has backed the proposal of the business community to include seaborne passenger transport, stevedores and associated businesses into the list of sectors most affected by the pandemic. Stevedores are also eligible for rent reduction and deferral.

  • 2020 May 8

    Vladimir Putin gives instructions to support water transport but the devil is in the details

    Representatives of water transport industry outlined their proposals on state support of the sector at the meeting held by the President of Russia. Although the Ministry of Finance says that water transport companies can use the existing support mechanisms, Vladimir Putin gave instructions to consider inclusion of water transport into the list of sectors most affected by the pandemic. Yet, the instructions were somewhat indistinct.

  • 2020 April 29

    How to balance the interests of shipbuilders and their customers

    The Federation Council hosted yet another hot discussion between representatives of the fishery and shipbuilding industries. Their reciprocal claims culminated with a suggestion that USC and the Ministry of Industry and Trade should present a definite plan of import substitution and with a conclusion that the measures undertaken so far lose their effect due to devaluation. Ship repair was also on the agenda.

  • 2020 April 27

    The cost of the Northern Sea Route

    Construction of one Leader class icebreaker will consume about 10% of resources allocated for the support of economic amid the pandemic. There also numerous privileges and measures intended to support the Arctic projects. Is it worth the cost? Strategic development of the entire country is at the stake.