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  • 2021 February 5

    German experts’ outlook on the maritime industry

    The shipbuilding industry currently sees the Chinese financing phasing out the western one, smaller ship owners opting for alternative financial schemes with shipping companies requiring state support for introduction of green fuels. Those issues were discussed by the market experts at the German Maritime Forum and SMM Digital

  • 2021 January 26

    Mikhail Pershin: It takes Krasnoye Sormovo half a year to build a serial dry cargo carrier

    This year’s order portfolio of Krasnoye Sormovo, one of the oldest shipyards in Russia, has been curtailed by at least 5 ships particularly due to STLC’s rejection of the option under an agreement for construction of dry cargo carriers signed earlier. Does that mean cutting jobs in the Nizhny Novgorod Region or parting with contractors? General Director of the shipyard Mikhail Pershin tells about that in his interview with IAA PortNews.

  • 2021 January 25

    Dura lex: new year, new rules

    As usually, the new year brings new laws and regulations. Here is a summary of the industry related legislation updates in 2021. More detailed review with comments of the industry focused lawyers will be published in the February edition of Port Service magazine.

  • 2021 January 18

    New ferry for a link with Kaliningrad

    Nordic Engineering JSC has completed the detailed design of a ferry for Baltiysk – Baltiyskaya Spit line. The ship will be equipped with accumulator batteries as the main source of power.

  • 2020 December 30

    Phantoms of Russian infrastructure - 2020

    The departing year has been marked by freezing or suspension of some ambitious projects on port infrastructure development. Meanwhile, the Government is set to toughen regulations covering the activities of those investing in port projects that has already been criticized by the industry community.

  • 2020 December 29

    On the year's largest maritime dispute in Russia by a lawyer of the Dutch shipowners

    The outgoing year 2020 was difficult for the maritime industry as well. In an interview to IAA PortNews, Konstantin Krasnokutsky spoke about the largest maritime dispute of 2020. Konstantin Krasnokutsky is a lawyer of the Dutch shipowners embroiled in the dispute, managing partner of NAVICUS.LAW firm and the member of the Russian Maritime Law Association RUMLA.org.

  • 2020 December 21

    Sofia Katkova: "It is necessary to expedite digitalisation of waterborne transport management"

    In a short interview with PortNews, Sofia Katkova, the project manager, Morstroytechnology commented on the prospects and feasibility of introducing and integrating the IS PortCall and data-measuring system MoRe.

  • 2020 December 11

    Review of Russia’s maritime fleet

    The review of Russia’s maritime fleet is based on the data of Russian Maritime Register of Shipping, Russian International Register of Ships and FSUE Morsvyazsputnik as well as statistical data on sea-going ships of the Russian Federation.

  • 2020 December 7

    Is a new coal terminal needed in Vladivostok?

    In his interview with IAA PortNews, Vladimir Rakov, Dr.Sc in biology, principal researcher, POI FEB RAS, Chairman of the Coordination Council on Ecological Problems in Primorye, shared the problematics of Vladivostok port industry’s coal focus

  • 2020 November 26

    BPA: under Brexit and COVID-19 pressure

    In his interview with the PortNews magazine, Richard Ballantyne, BPA Chief Executive Officer, tells about BPA activities amid the pandemic and Brexit challenges