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  • 2007 March 5

    Dmitri Atlashkin: North-West Gosmorrechnadzor to be setup by April 16

    Rostransnadzor (Russian Federal Service for Supervision of Transport) continues implementation of administrative legal reform investing its regional subdivisions with new sea supervision functions. By April 16, 2007, North-West Gosmorrechnadzor (North-West Basin Administration of State Service for Supervision of Inland Water Transport) will be set up in Saint Petersburg

  • 2007 February 27

    Navigational waterworks are on a year-long deferment

    The initiative of Yury Trutnev, Minister of Natural Resources, on transfer of navigational waterworks (NW) to the jurisdiction of Nature Ministry faced a wave of rebuttal from RF Transport Ministry. The issue relating to who is to maintain and manage NW has been reserved till late in 2007

  • 2007 February 21

    Profitable route

    In 2007, Saint Petersburg status may be confirmed by a unified conception aimed at reinforcement of its positions in maritime tourism

  • 2007 February 15

    Serik Zhusupov: the law on ports to be considered by Duma soon

    Association of Russian Commercial Seaports (ARCS) attributes slowdown registered in 2006 in growth of cargo turnover to certain gaps in Russian legislation. Serik Zhusupov, ARCS Executive Director, tells PortNews IAA about how absence of law on ports and lack of proper regulation in lease of state property influence investment appeal of Russian port business

  • 2007 February 13

    A year ahead of the law

    A long-suffering law On Seaports of Russian Federation is in the fair way to be read in the State Duma this year. This time, Edinaya Rossiya undertakes to promote the draft

  • 2007 February 6

    Igor Teleshev: cargo turnover of Saint Petersburg port to stay at the level of 2006

    The largest oil terminal in the North-West region had a slight decrease of cargo turnover in 2006. However, in the middle of the previous year experts forecasted more considerable fall in volumes of cargo to be handled at Petersburg Oil Terminal (POT). The main factor, which could cause lower results, was specific river navigation in the port of Saint Petersburg. It was the first summer navigation without Volgotanker vessels

  • 2007 February 2

    Border guard makes no concession to stevedores

    From February 1, 2007, three stevedoring companies of the port of Saint Petersburg have to count their losses as border guard have terminated temporal inspection of imported cargo at the berths taken by the company on lease

  • 2007 January 24

    Stumbling coal

    In 2006, Russia’s coal production totaled about 308 million tons. National coal producers increased their results by 3%, year-on-year. They also intend to preserve the dynamics this year. Despite certain boom in coal-mining industry export of Russian coal is limited by insufficient capacity of the ports

  • 2007 January 15

    Unfinished draft law

    Enactment of a law “On mandatory insurance of a civil liability for causing harm in operation of dangerous object” has been postponed again. The deputies believed it would be passed before the end of 2006. However, the new year session started with postponing of the second reading

  • 2006 December 27

    Port slowdown

    Transport Minister of RF forecasts cargo turnover of Russia’s port complex to reach the level of 420 million tons in 2006. This slight growth of just 3% looks meager compared to a 12% increase of 2005