ПАО "Совкомфлот", ИНН 7702060116 ERID: LjN8KXCJv
ООО Медиа-группа "ПортНьюс" ИНН 7841028303 ERID: LjN8KKtRf
ООО "Газпромнефть Марин Бункер", ИНН 7838392447, ERID: LjN8KPSVp
ПАО "Совкомфлот", ИНН 7702060116 ERID: LjN8K67Xf
2018 June 18
German Zverev: “Fishing companies are ready to invest in new ships but it depends on shipbuilding”
Russia’s fishery segment embarks on large scale fleet renovation. German Zverev, President of the All-Russian Association of Fishing Industry, Businessmen and Exporters, tells IAA PortNews about this process and challenges thereof.
2018 June 18
German Zverev: “Fishing companies are ready to invest in new ships but it depends on shipbuilding”
Russia’s fishery segment embarks on large scale fleet renovation. German Zverev, President of the All-Russian Association of Fishing Industry, Businessmen and Exporters, tells IAA PortNews about this process and challenges thereof.