ПАО "Совкомфлот", ИНН 7702060116 ERID: LjN8KXCJv
ООО Медиа-группа "ПортНьюс" ИНН 7841028303 ERID: LjN8KKtRf
ООО "Газпромнефть Марин Бункер", ИНН 7838392447, ERID: LjN8KPSVp
ПАО "Совкомфлот", ИНН 7702060116 ERID: LjN8K67Xf
2014 September 4
“Green” approach to the blue sea
Less than four months is left till new restrictions on sulphur content in marine fuel come into effect. Ship owners, bunker suppliers and shipbuilders are preparing for changes in the market.
2014 September 4
“Green” approach to the blue sea
Less than four months is left till new restrictions on sulphur content in marine fuel come into effect. Ship owners, bunker suppliers and shipbuilders are preparing for changes in the market.