• 2014 June 11

    Ust-Luga Cup goes to Koryushka

    Annual regatta Ust-Luga Cup is over. The participants crossed the finish line near the Seskar island (Ust-Luga, Leningrad Region) off the seaport Ust-Luga on June 10, 2014.

    The Regatta featured hot competition between the crews as leaders changed their places from race to race. The team of Russian Railways won the second race, Mariehamn (Aland Islands, Finland) - Kokar island leg. According to the summarized results of the three short races off the Kokar island, the team of Murmansk Commercial Seaport was the leader. RS and RRR team was the first on Kasnas-Tallinn leg.

    The winner of Ust-Luga Cup, Ust-Luga Company team, won three races of the Regatta on its yacht Koryushka. The crew of Ust-Luga Company was the leader in the first race, on the route from Sandhamn (Sweden) to Mariehamn (Aland Islands, Finland). Then it reinforced its position having won two short races near Nauvo (Finland). The victory in the final race, Tallinn (Estonia) – Seskar island, was a beautiful concluding chord of the champion.

    Meanwhile, some participants of the races were less lucky than the others. During the first race the team of Morstroytechnology had to go out of the competition with the torn sail. Beside, the yacht of Murmansk Commercial Seaport was eliminated as it failed to meet the time limit due to technical problems.

    The summarized results of all Ust-Luga Cup races are as follows: Ust-Luga Company is the first. The second place is taken by the crew of Russian Railways with Rosterminalugol team being the third. The forth position is held by SMM, the fifth – by TransContainer. The team of the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping and the Russian River Register takes the sixth place. It is followed by Anker Logistic. The crew Morstroytechnology was the eighth, Murmansk Commercial Seaport – the ninth. The tenth is TD Rustorg.

    The Regatta has been initially conceived as an amateur sailing race of sea professionals whose work is connected with the sea, the Baltic Sea in particular, under the slogan “One sea. One profession. One destiny”. The companies creating their teams for participation in the regatta say that such events are not only an excellent opportunity to spend quality time but also a method of teambuilding, development of common interest environment and corporate culture.

    First time the Baltic regatta Ust-Luga Cup passed in June, 2012 and was dedicated to the 10th anniversary of Sea port Ust-Luga. Successful regatta became noticeable event not only in the sailing world, but also among the business public and mass media representatives. Considering a great interest to further project development from side of participants in port business in Russia and abroad, organizers made the decision to hold the Baltic regatta Ust-Luga Cup as an annual event.

    The project is supported by Transport Ministry of Russian Federation and Russian Sailing Federation.

    Ust-Luga Cup 2014 was held from June 1 till June 10, 2014. It followed the former route: from Stockholm (Sweden) till Saint-Petersburg (Russia) via Mariehamn (Finland) and Tallinn (Estonia). The participants and the guests will moor in beautiful places at picturesque islands of Sweden and Finland.

    The organization committee of Ust-Luga Cup 2014 numbered four members. This year it consisted of Victor Olersky, Deputy Transport Minister of the Russian Federation; Valery Izrailit, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Company Ust-Luga OJSC; Oleg Valinsky, First Deputy to the head of Oktyabrskaya Railway (Russian Railways branch); Aleksandr Aliyev, Director General of Commercial Seaport Lavna LLC.

    General organization of the Regatta is entrusted to autonomous noncommercial organization Baltic Regatta Ust-Luga Cup (Director Executive– Aleksandr Aliyev). 

    Тechnical organizer of the event - Motor Boat & Yachting Russia.

    Regatta press center – IAA PortNews.

    Rosterminalugol OJSC (Leningrad Region) has traditionally been the General Partner of Ust-Luga Cup.

    Ust-Luga Cup Partners are Transoil LLC, BaltTransService LLC, Russian Railways OJSC.

    CityРoint provided an opportunity to observe the Regatta races online, via internet at the Regatta official website.

    NAVICOM, GetTaxi, Ginza project and restaurant Koryushka are the Partners of the award ceremony which is to be held at the walls of the Peter and Paul Fortress (Saint-Petersburg) on June 11, 2014.

    The panel of judges was chaired by Bill O'Hara, well known judge from Ireland who has been a member of the judging panel of the world's largest round-the-world yacht race Volvo Ocean Race from 2005. Other panel members: Andrus Poksi, ISAF International Judge from Estonia, and Svetlana Dyachkova, top-qualification judge of Russia.

    One year ago, on June 14, the yacht club "Krestovskiy” (Saint-Petersburg) hosted the awarding ceremony for the winners of the International Baltic regatta “Ust-Luga Cup 2013”. The prizes for the victory in “Ust-Luga Cup" were given by Valery Izraylit, the organizing committee chairman, and Viktor Olersky, deputy minister of transport of the Russian Federation.

    The forth place of honour was taken by the team of Russian Railways OJSC. Vadim Morozov, First Vice-President of the Company, came upon the stage together with other team members.

    The bronze cup for the third place was given to the team of FSUE Rosmorport.

    The team of the general sponsor of the regatta, Rosterminalugol OJSC, won the second place in the hot contest.

    The undisputed champion of the regatta was SMM team.

    Margarita Babkova