• 2013 December 30

    Khuchbar Khuchbarov, Director General of Port Petrovsk: “We are willing to make considerable investments into port project in Makhachkala”

    Port Petrovsk LLC (Summa Group) has recently signed the Agreement of Intent with FSUE Makhachkala Commercial Seaport. Khuchbar Khuchbarov, Director General of Port Petrovsk, tells IAA PortNews about future relations between the private company and the state enterprise. 

    - What do Port Petrovsk and Makhachkala Commercial Seaport undertake under the Agreement? 

    - We have expressed mutual interest in our cooperation having confirmed it with this document. The Port is eager for department and it has an excellent potential which has not been achieved yet. There is a project which can help the enterprise build up its cargo capacity. 

    - It was reported that the company can invest $300 into the project. How are you going to invest it into the state enterprise? 

    - We are really willing to invest considerable resources into the port project in Makhachkala. It is early to name the exact sum as the project requires a business plan, project works and expert approval. Of course, we cannot invest into FSUE. Port Petrovsk plans its project to be implemented at the land plots located in close vicinity to FSUE.  It will be a hinterland dry terminal. It will create additional opportunities for the cargo flow increase. The Agreement actually provides for the coordination of the private and the state structures.  
    - What are the parameters of the future terminal? 

    - First of all, we will develop master-plan for our project considering our possibilities, the potential and further development of FSUE. The master plan is to be approved by the Transport Ministry and the Republic Government. The territory will undergo a comprehensive development. However, we can already say that there is a promising potential to boost general cargo transshipment. 

    - Will your project compete with FSUE? 

    - It is not a competition but a supplement of one project with the other one. Both our company and FSUE are interested in more shippers to include Makhachkala port into their supply chains. Our services will not be the same, but they will correlate.    

    Interviewed by Sophia Vinarova