• 2013 October 31

    Aleksandr Yalovenko: Unified framework of Additional Professional Education is our prime objective

    Marine and river fleet requires permanent additional training and retraining of personnel. Admiral Makarov State Maritime Academy (SMA) and St.-Petersburg State University of Waterway Communications (SPSUWC), integrated into a single institution, have always been the leaders in this process. Aleksandr Yalovenko, Director of APE Center at Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping, tells IAA PortNews about this work today.

    - Mr. Yalovenko, how has the integration influenced the work on training and retraining of personnel at Makarov University?

    -  We are gradually integrating the systems of both institutions. As of today, we have already created a unified ADE Center. A unified personnel schedule has been developed. The Statute of APE Center is being prepared for approval of the University Board. The integrated structure of APE for water industry personnel will make it possible to concentrate everything related to training and retraining of seafarers.

    - Can the shipboard personnel undergo comprehensive training and obtain certificates required for diploma extension?

    - Yes, certainly. There are different combinations of training as our University ensures joint work of the simulation center and the faculties. So our students can select any combination of courses.

    -  What are the results of the 9-month work in 2013?

    - In January-September 2013, subdivisions of APE Center implemented 146 programmes involving 5,000 participants including over 1,000 of students and cadets. The education was arranged at the marine education and training center, at the faculties and at the education center Caterpillar, as well as at the department of international educational programmes.

    - Tell about your short-term plans and prime objectives.

    - First of all, we will have to perform a package of activities to bring our work into compliance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science dated July 1, 2013 (No 499, On approval of the order for arrangement and implementation of educational activities under additional professional programmes). This document setting forth a number of requirements to APE came into effect on September 1, 2013.

    I think, the prime objective of the University is to create a unified framework of Additional Professional Education. Well-knit system will enable us to make the best use of everything we have accumulated in this sphere. 

    Interviewed by Margarita Babkova