• 2011 September 21

    Director of shippings of Gazprom Marketing & Trading, Nikolai Grigoriev: “Gazprom’s demand for LNG carriers is at least 40 vessels"

    Gazprom sets out for the development of large gas condensate deposits. At the same time the company's strategy is aimed at full control over all logistics of gas transportation, which involves a fleet of tankers, gas carriers and its management. Director of Shippings of Gazprom Marketing & Trading Nikolai Grigoriev told PorNews about how the project will be implemented.

    - Currently, Gazprom operates four LNG carries. What is your company’s overall demand for such vessels?

    - As for Gazprom only (other companies are also engaged in gas projects), then, according to moderate estimates (since we do not know yet the volumes and the products market) two projects, the Shtokman gas condensate deposit and the expansion of Sakhalin-2 will require at least 40 vessels. While, only the Shtokman’s first phase in 2017 will require more than 10 vessels. The fleet construction should start in the next two years.

    - Will the newbuilds orders be placed at foreign or Russian shipyards?

    - Recently, STX shipyard has been awarded an order for two LNG carriers from SCF Group. We will take the vessels in time-charter. The project will be a sort of "experimental lab" for development of cooperation between the Russian United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC) and the South Korean firm. In particular, Russian shipbuilders will complete training programs at South Korean shipyards and besides, there will be an exchange of technologies. We hope USC will build a new shipyard on the Kotlin island. The project is being negotiated between the USC and STX. Noteworthy, the first phase of the Shtokman deposit development will require orders for a series of 12 ships, the number making the new shipyard project quite attractive for investors. We will promote the growth of Russian shipbuilders’ share in execution of the LNG carrier orders.
    - What is the approximate cost of a modern LNG tanker?

    - The market value of the vessel is established through negotiation. Now, according to brokers, the vessels cost is growing and a LNG carrier, similar to the one that had been ordered for Sovcomflot costs approximately $ 220-230 million depending on the configuration. I do not mention here the vessels that will serve for Shtokman, Sakhalin, and other projects: more costly vessels, at least by several million dollars, as they require additional refitting for operations in harsh winter conditions.