• 2010 July 3

    Customs Code partners

    Customs Code of the Customs Union has been effective on the territory of Russia and Kazakhstan. Still there is some uncertainty surrounding the ratification of the relevant agreements with Belarus. Despite the putting into force of the new code, many issues remain unresolved.

    The Customs Code itself, has undergone so far several changes, but many questions remained unresolved. As Boris Borodin, Acting Chief of the Baltic Customs explained to PortNews IAA Acting Chief of the Baltic Customs, in these matters the national legislation will take decisions.

    The first problem with the entry into force of the Code is that it introduces difference to terminology – it brings new terms, and some old ones take new meaning what in the first time can lead to confusion. For example, the customs procedure "is now understood in the same way as the term      “customs regime "," Customs Broker "is replaced by" customs representative ", the concept of" registration of customs declaration "was introduced instead of “accepting the customs declaration”, we introduce a new the concept of "express-cargo" the concept of "free circulation" and "customs clearance" is exluded.

    Customs may apply the new forms of customs control, such as the treatment of goods in customs control, checking of inventory systems and accounting, field and cameral customs inspection. In addition, the oral declaration is completely excluded.

    List of documents required for the goods placed under the customs procedure of export changes too. According to head of department of customs clearance and customs control of the Baltic Customs, Dmitri Smirnov, concerning the export the new code is "quite liberal".

    The terms of the release of goods are cut from 3 to 2 days (though with a possible extension to 10 days). "Basically, everything is unfolding in favor of participants of foreign economic activity", - commented Dmitry Smirnov. For example, a simplified procedure of customs transit, transportation from the customs border directly to the location of the recipient (formerly a customs post), rail carriers are exempt from the need for security as a guarantee of delivery of goods. The concept of Authorized Economic Operator for large and honest traders is established, production of goods is now possible before the filing of customs declaration, other indulgences are also provided for them.

    However, there are outstanding issues which remain unclear, in particular relating to the implementation of the bunker industry. Thus, the Code provides that the movement of supplies does not refer to the customs procedures (customs regime in the old terminology), respectively, it is unclear how warehouses will operate in this part.

    There have been no decisions so far of the Commission of the Customs Union over scores of other issues. And in this part of the work will be carried out in accordance with national legislation, to take appropriate decisions.