• 2010 March 2

    Alexander Davydenko, the head of Rosmorrechflot: "Implemented mechanisms must provide legal framework for investment prospects of the industry"

    In 2009 the global financial crisis had an impact both on performance of the industry, and on the entire economy of Russia. As part of the federal budget sequestration it became necessary to establish priorities and optimize costs.
    Ministry of Finance of RF cut the budget of Rosmorrechflot by more than 6 billion rubles. In this case the speed of industry upgrading should be maintained.
    The aim was to keep the volume figures of 2008. It has been achieved in maritime transport.
    In 2009 Sea transport was replenished with 24 new vessels with total deadweight of about 2 million tons, 3 of which registered under the flag of Russia. 

    Number of vessels of the marine transport fleet maintained and operated by Russia amounted to 1.403 ships of total deadweight of 17 million tons at the beginning of 2010. In Russian International Ship Register 347 ships of overall tonnage of 1.43 million tons are included.
    It is particularly necessary to work on improvement of the Law on the second register. 
    In 2010 the supply of 14 ships with total tonnage of more than 1.5 million tons is expected. 
    Shipments of goods by sea in 2009 reached 38 million tones, which by 6% exceed the figures of 2008, export transshipment grew by 7% and made up 29 million tons, the coastal traffic remained stable and made up 8.3 million tons. 
    Cargo turnover increased by 15.7%. 
    The main goods carried by Russian ships were bulk products, metals and coal. 
    By the end of 2009 the volume of cargo handled at seaports of Russia had grown by 9% and reached 496 million tons. It should be noted that Russian ports handled 82% of Russian export goods, leaving to foreign ports only 18%. Let us remind that in 2000 the figure made up 46 to 54%, respectively. 

    According to expert estimates, turnover of Russian seaports in 2010 could reach 520 million tons. For the first time we will make fresh gains of half a billion tons and strive for a billion tons.
    In 2009 Russian ports handled 32 million tons. In 2010 it is planned to increase transit capacity for 30 million tones.
    Total investment in construction and upgrading of port facilities while implementing subprogram “Sea transport” of Federal Target Program "Modernization of transport system (2002-2010)” made up 443 billion rubles, including the federal budget funds - 51 billion rubles. Thus, 1 ruble of budget funds equals 7 rubles of private investment, with an average figure of Economics 1:2 ~ 1:3.
    Since 2010 we proceed to implement the Federal Target program "Development of transport system of RF (2010-2015)", which complies the project principle.
    As a result of program activities by 2016 it is planned to provide transshipment of more than 770 million tons per year, including the reserve establishment with 15% port capacity. It would allow to redirect Russian foreign trade goods from the ports of neighboring countries to Russian ports and to use it when the overall transport network of Russia is overloaded.
    Total funding of subprogram "Sea transport" for 2010-2015 will make up 630 billion rubles, including the budget funding - 180 billion rubles. 
    According to the project the flow of extra-budgetary investment will be provided by means of advanced preparation of design documents and implementation of projects finance facility on terms of public-private partnership. 
    We have great expectations concerning development and adoption of concession mechanism. 
    Implemented mechanisms must provide legal framework for investment prospects of the industry, comfortable environment for business.