• 2009 December 1

    Arkhangelsk seaport needs cargo, - Nikolay Gurinov, Captain of Arkhangelsk seaport.

    The documents on Arkhangelsk port (AMP) boundaries establishment are revised in the RF Government to the date. In addition to that a deep-water harbour is planned to be constructed not far from the operating port in the White Sea water area, Mudjug island, Nikolay Gurinov, Captain of the port, reported in the interview with PortNews IAA, as well as on the results of January-October, 2009 work, and predicted cargo transhipment volumes as of 2009 results and on situation with ecological safety.

    - Nikolay Valentinovich, what stage is the process of port boundaries approval at?
    -    In 2009 Arkhangelsk port administration carried out significant work on preparation of documents for the RF Government to execute them and approve the boundaries of the water area and Arkhangelsk port territory. The documents are being currently approved by the Ministry of Transport and the Government.

    - What was an interaction between the port administration and its branches in the departing year like?

    -   This year, characterized by cargo transhipment slump and world financial recession, we focused on improvement of interaction with branches to spare funds. We have only six brabches to the date here belong: port Mezen’, Igarka, Onega, Vitino, Varandey and Narjan-Mar.

    - What are the overall results of port’s stevedoring companies operation in January-October, 2009?

    -    It was not easy for the port to operate under recession. In January-October, 2009 the port transhipped only 2, 764,000 tons of various cargoes (- 33.6% year-on-year). Speaking about petroleum products, the reduction amounted to about 40%.

    The number of vessels calling showed a decrease: the number of vessels calls went up by 26% (to 738) within the reporting period as compared to the corresponding period of 2008.

    - What are your estimates regarding various cargoes transhipment volumes in Arkhangelsk port as of 2009 results and for 2010 navigation?

    -   As per the estimates of cargo transhipment volumes in 2009 the anticipated volume may amount to 3 mln tons of various cargoes, which will be approximately 63.8 % of 2008 volumes. In 2010 we expect the volume of cargoes transhipment either to remain at the same level or to show an insignificant growth. Petroleum products transhipment volume will go down a little but volumes of other cargoes transhipped will show increase. The port is estimated to handle 3 mln 25 thousand tons of various cargoes in 2010, which is an increase of 0.8 % against 2009.
    - What actions are undertaken in the water area of the port under AMP jurisdiction on oil spill management? Are all the OSR plans approved?  Does the region have enough human and technical resources? Could you please name the largest ecological companies of the port?

    - One of the main tasks facing AMP is to secure fulfillment of a single policy related to environmental protection within the seaport water area. Under the instructions given by the Head of the Federal Maritime and River Agency, personal responsibility for securing readiness for oil spill management in the water area of Arkhangelsk seaport was vested upon the Deputy Captain of the port – Head of Maritime Rescue Subcenter (MSPC), that is occupied in organization of works on oil products spill response (OSR) in the water area of the port within the existing plan of OSR. Under the aforementioned plan we are capable of deploying the existing facilities and human resources for OSR works execution within the jurisdiction of AMP-Arkhangelsk of attested specialized organizations such as: branch of Arkhangelsk expediting group of emergency-rescue, shiprepair and lifting-technical works of FGUP MBASU, Arkhangelsk branch of Center of emergency rescue and ecological operations OJSC. Besides, upon agreement with the headquarters of the RF Ministry of Civil Defense and Emergency Response in Arkhangelsk region, North branch Gosaquaspas may participate in OSR.

    All the companies working with oil products in the water area of the port have their OSR plans elaborated and approved, as well as contracts on OSR signed with the afore-listed  emergency-rescue groups.    
    - What is the number of oil spills took place in the port water area in 2009? In 2008?
     - There were no cases of oil spill in the port water area in 2008, 2009.

    - Is the number of towing facilities sufficient in Arkhangelsk port? How many companies provide services on towage and what is the average age of the towboat fleet?

    - Arkhangelsk port has sufficient number of towing facilities capable of securing safety towage and moorage of vessels. Towboats owners are: Portfleet SC, AMTP OJSC, Arkhangelsk base of trawler fleet, North Maritime shipping Company OJSC and Ecotech-Bunker LLC. There are 13 towboats of 1 thou h.p. - 2.5 thou h.p. in Arkhangelsk seaport. Average age of the towboats is about 25 years.

    - Does the current capacity of the port and safety requirements to navigation allow significant increasing of cargo transhipment volumes, enlarging their range, putting into operation new facilities and terminals? From this point of view to what extent is the project of deep-water port creation in the White Sea water area on Mudjug island advisable?

    - Arkhangels port is the oldest port in Russia. It is historically defined that many polar expeditions of the Arctics started their.

    Arkhangels Commercial Seaport facilities currently work at 30-40 % of their capacity that is why the port is capable of increasing it transhipment volumes and enlarge its range of goods. The issues of navigation safety in the water area of the port are attended great attention to. Thus second stage construction of the Vessels Tracking Management system (VTMS) that will enable us control tankers traffic from entrance buoy to the oil storage Talagi was completed in 2006. Modernization of VTMS was carried out from entrance buoy to handling district Economy, new local equipment allowing safely escorting was installed.

    Development of Northern Sea route, objects of extraction, processing and transportation of hydrocarbon raw materials in circumpolar seas and on the shelf is impossible without development of Arkhangelsk seaport. Unfortunately, due to the space-limited environment preventing vessels of over 30,000 tons carrying capacity from calling into the port a long-felt need of port canals modernization and dredging occurred. Construction of a deep-water port in the White Sea water area, Mudjug island, should be considered only in relation to construction of a railway Belkomur  that will link Arkhangelsk port to Permskiy kray and the Urals.
    Vitaliy Chernov