• 2009 November 16

    “The situation in our port becomes more stabile” Mr. Parinov, Captain of the Big Port of St.-Petersburg is quoted as saying

    As it was expected, the year 2009 with its economic recession has changed port branch of St.-Petersburg and North-West. The changes are noticed both in the transshipment flow and scheme and in performance of declared investment projects. At the same time the port boundaries have been officially established during the passing year. Besides this year was marked for reorganization of Finnish basin seaports that came under control of common administration. Ecological issues and development of border checkpoints were also highly addressed . Mr. Parinov, port Captain, tells in the interview to “Port News” about the Big St. Petesburg Port operations.

    -Petr Petrovich, what are the total results the stevedoring companies of main St.Petesburg Port show?  Has the shipping turnaround decreased?

    - Well, of course, it appeared to be quite complicated to work in a recession period. In January-October  2009 almost 42 mln of tones of different cargoes were transferred in the seaport, that is approximately 19% less than in the corresponding period of the past year. As for containers, the drop here made up 36 %, it is about 1 mln 10 thousand TEUs).

    The number of vessels calling at the port decreased by 27% (amounted to 19,247 vessels) within 10 months 2009 against the corresponding period of the previous year. At the same time the situation in port becomes gradually more stable. I am sure that the most difficult moment is already over.

    -Which border checkpoints came under the jurisdiction of the Big Port administration with the adoption of seaport boundaries regulations?

    The following RF boarder control points open on a regular basis are under the responsibility of administration of the Big Port of St.-Petersburg: seaport Primorsk, Ust-Luga, passenger port St.-Petersburg, in the Saint-Basil cargo area and Kotlin Island.

    State controlling units are carrying out projects aimed at setting the checkpoint in the big St. Petersburg seaport together with territorial administration of Russian territory in the north-west part in accordance with current legislation of Russian Federation. It became possible only after the authorities had issued a decree on defining St.-Petersburg”s Big Port boarders.

    -Administration unification of all Finish Basin ports is almost over. What does such reorganization gives us?

    - I must say the establishment of Unitary Administration of ports in Eastern part of the Gulf of Finland is almost accomplished. The Administration of the Big Port of St.-Petersburg currently comprises the Big Port of St.-Petersburg itself and ports-branches: Primorsk port (since September 21, 2005); St.-Petersburg passenger port (Since July 31, 2008); Ust-Luga port (Since October 6, 2008); port of Vyborg (since May 21, 2009).

    At the final stage it is necessary to affiliate Vysotsk port to a Unitary Administration. The Draft Regulation of the Russian government has already been worked out and is now on the government approval. The Draft stipulates liquidation of FGU Administration of Vysotsk Seaport and affiliation of Vysotsk port to the administration of the Big Port of St.-Petersburg as a branch.

    Thus we will get a Unitary Administration of all the seaports of Eastern part of the Gulf of Finland. It is assumed it would allow to organize centralized administration and provide  icebreaker assistance in winter navigation, to coordinate the rescue services in salvage and searching operations, to increase the efficiency of funds expenditures, received on port charges  and to improve the Rosmorrechflot’s  coordination of this activity and accordingly effectiveness of state services rendering in sea transport.

    Besides we hope to improve coordination of boarder checkpoints, to take measures of anti-terrorist protection of objects of sea transport and measures against   infringement causing threat to navigation. There are other aspects such as coordination of works aimed at oil and chemicals spillage prevention and creation of a common information base, establishment and  introduction of changes into the ports boundaries and many other issues that would be easier to solve within the Unitary administration.

    - Could you, please, tell us if St.-Petersburg port is prepared for the ice-escorting in the winter navigation coming soon?

    - Ice-breaking fleet is fully ready for the beginning of ice- navigation in the Eastern part of the Gulf of Finland. 4 ice-breakers and 9 harbor ones will provide pilotage to all the ports of the Eastern part of the Gulf of Finland.

    - Ecological situation in the port of St.-Petersburg is under careful attention of Russian Government, ecologists, private units as well as foreign countries administrations. What actions does the port’s administration take to prevent oil spillage? Are all the spill response plans in the hazardous objects approved? Are there enough capacities and facilities in the area?

    - In 2007 oil spill response plan of the Big Port of St.-Petersburg administration was approved. The plan is valid for 5 years. It applies to the water area of the Big Port of St.-Petersburg with all the affiliated  ports-branches. Contract on emergency and rescue readiness and oil and petroleum products spillage prevention in the water area of the ports under the Big Port of St.-Petersburg Administration responsibility was signed with FGUP BASU (Baltic Basin Emergency and Rescue Department – PortNews IAA note) on the competitive basis. There is also a treaty on elaboration and approval of a new Oil Spill Response plan concluded with CNIIMF CJSC taking into consideration the changes in port administration areas of responsibility including water zones of all port-branches.