• 2008 October 31

    “Rosmorport” tests "Moscow"

    OJSC “Baltic Plant” started today state performance trial the first new series diesel-electric ice breaker "Moscow" constructed by order of Federal Unitary Enterprise "Rosmorport". During two weeks experts of the enterprise will test the vessel for its maneuverability and controllability, will test work of all mechanisms of the ice breaker at a normal operating mode. Tests will be executed in the water area of the Gulf of Finland. As Rosmorport told to "PortNews" IAA the ice breaker will provide ice conducting in the Gulf of Finland already during winter navigation of 2008-2009.
    Trial trip
    The ice breaker left the Neva water area with help of tows. Then the vessel under its own power headed for the island Gogland situated 97 n miles (180 km) from St. Petersburg. In the sea experts of the plant will check serviceability of the main power unit, navigation and communication systems, steerable propellers, anchor device and other equipment, which cannot be tested at coast.
    Tests are being carried out under supervision of the state commission that included representatives of the Russian sea register of navigation, Rospotrebnadzo, “Rosmorport” and “Baltic Plant”.
    Head vessel
    "Moscow" is the head vessel of a series of new class multipurpose ice breakers. It is the first diesel-electric ice breaker constructed at a Russian shipyard for the last 30 years.
    Taking into consideration sharp demand of Russian ports for icebreaking fleet, while a decision on state financing of construction of new ice breakers was being made, in 2004 "Rosmorport" at the expense of their own and involved means started financing construction at “Baltic Plant” of two diesel-electric ice breakers: "Moscow" and "St.-Petersburg". Currently construction of the icebreaking fleet is being carried out completely at the expense of the state budget under a programme “Modernization of transport system of Russia (2002-2010)”, and since January 1, 2010 under a programme “Development of transport system of Russia (2010-2015)”.
    The ice breaker is purposed for conducting of large-capacity tankers of up to 50 m wide; towages of vessels in ices and on pure water; transportation of cargoes; carrying out rescue works and assistance to vessels; liquidation of spills oil and chemicals and suppression of fire. Its displacement is about 10,000 tons, length - 116 m, width – 26.5 m, draft – 8.5 m, speed on pure water - 17 knots. The ice breaker is capable to break ice of over 1 m thick. The crew of the vessel consists of 25 people.
    Federal Unitery Enterprise "Rosmorport" was founded under the Governmental order of the Russian Federation №705 dated 25.09.2002. "Rosmorport" includes 19 branches in all sea pools in the territory of 15 subjects of the Russian Federation. The enterprise owns 1,634 real estate objects, including 521 berths in 43 ports of the country. The enterprise fleet totals 222 vessels of different function, including 22 ice breakers.
    OJSC “Baltic Plant” (a part of Incorporated industrial corporation) is one of the largest ship-building enterprises in Russia. The company specializes on construction of ice breakers and vessels of ice class (diesel and with nuclear power units), heavy-tonnage vessels for transportation of various cargoes and military ships; it manufactures a wide spectrum of mechanical engineering products, power equipment; is a supplier of colour and steel moulding.