• 2008 July 4

    In “White List”

    At its 41st meeting, the Paris MoU Committee approved the 2007 inspection results and adopted new performance lists for flag States and Recognized Organizations. These lists took effect from 1 July 2008. According to the inspection results the Russian Federation moved up from the “Grey List” to the “White List” of Paris Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Port State Control.


    Flag rating


    The lists of Paris MoU are a kind of rating of flag and flag vessels quality. As of today, there are eight regional intergovernmental agreements on vessel control by port states. Maritime Administration of the Russian FederationParis, Tokyo and Black Sea Memorandums of Understanding. is a member of three agreements including

    Paris Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Port State Control is an international agreement specifying the principles of port control. Russia is the member of MoU from January 1, 1996. The Paris MoU consists of 22Europe. The Paris MoU aims at eliminating the operation of sub-standard ships through a harmonized system of port State control. participating maritime Administrations and covers the waters of the European coastal States and the North Atlantic basin from North America to

    The “White List” represents quality flags with a consistently low detention record. A flag’s ranking is taken into account when targeting ships for inspection and ships flying flags listed on the “Black list” are liable for banning from the region after multiple detentions.

    In Russia there over 300 companies operating sea-going vessels (with gross tonnage of 500 and more units). All of them violate International Code in one way or other. However experts noted that detention record steadily decreases in Russia and there is a possibility to eave the “Grey List”.  


    Top place


    As PortNews IAA learnt from Nikolai Reshetov, Director of Russian Maritime Register of Shipping, Russia left the “Black List” of Paris Memorandum in 2002; two years later (in 2004) Russia left the “Black List” of Tokyo Memorandum. Until recently Russia was in the “Grey Lists” of both Memorandums, between the “Black” and the “White”. At last, the 2007 inspection results let Russia to move to the “White List”.

    Mr. Reshetov attributes Russia’s high results to major efforts of the Maritime register and RosMorRechFlot. During the past 10 years the Register’s experts carried out over 3,500 inspections of Safety Management Systems and certified some 10,000 vessels. Non-compliances with International Safety Management Code relate mainly to maintenance and repair as well as to documentation and emergency preparedness.


    Who is Who


    The 2007 “White List” includes 34 flag States. Finland, France, China and Great Britain are placed highest in the List. New on the “White List” are Azerbaijan, Belgium, Cuprus, Gibraltar, Malta, and Spain. Netherlands Antilles and Saudi Arabia moved down from “White” to “Grey”

    The poorest performing flags are Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Bolivia and Albania. Jamaica, Mongolia, Panama and Ukraine moved from the “Grey List” to the “Black List”. The “Black List” for 2007 contains 19 flags States.