• 2008 March 31

    Navigation on the way

    Summer navigation 2008 starts at the United Deepwater System from the Rostov-on-Don – Kochetkovsky hydraulic complex. Inland waterways are being prepared for summer navigation with repair works at certain complexes. Trial drawing of bridges started more than a week ago in St. Petersburg with official opening of Neva navigation scheduled for April 10. Last year, transportation by inland waterways grew by 9.5%. The results of the current year will depend on a number of factors including water level and dredging at different sections of inland waterways.

    Ice broke up

    The decree signed by Aleksandr Davydenko, head of the Federal Agency of Marine and River Transport (Rosmorrechflot), on February 14, 2008, set up fixed terms for operation of major gates, categories of navigation equipment with specification of their life cycle, guaranteed dimensions of navigable channels for 2008-2010.

    Setting up of fixed terms for operation of major gates at inland waterways are based on average long-term data concerning ice conditions and repair works at hydraulic complexes. According to the report of Anna Isayeva, deputy head of Rosmorrechflot, summer navigation starts on March 30 at Rostov-on-Don – Kochetkovsky hydraulic complex. As for the Volga-Baltic waterway, the navigation will start on April 30.

    Results and plans

    In 2007, inland waterway transport carried 152.4 million tonnes of cargo (+9.5%, year-on-year) including 16.8 million tonnes along Volga-Baltic waterway (+1.7 million tonnes, or +11.3%, year-on-year). Transportation of oil products grew by 37%, year-on-year, construction cargo – by 21.8%. Transportation by Volga-Don canal grew by 0.7 million tonnes, or by 8.8%, year-on-year.

    In 2008, total length of inland waterways with guaranteed dimensions of navigable passes will be increased by 4,500 km to 48,100 km. Experts say further extension is not reasonable considering the existing flows of cargo and passengers. Thus Rosmorrechflot is to focus on improvement of the navigable channels.

    Problem sectors

    There is a number of factors limiting the development of cargo transportation in the European part of Russia including insufficient depth at certain sectors of the Volga-Baltic waterway. This year RUR 144.6 million will be spent for the overhaul of navigable passes.

    Besides, low water level may cause limitations for large-capacity vessels at Gorodetski hydraulic complex as well as at approaches to berths.

    Equipment claims attention

    Technical state of hydraulic complexes also causes certain limitations. As of January 1, 2008, only 20.9% of them have normal level of safety, 60.8% – low safety level, 14.2% - unsatisfactory safety level and 4.1% - unsafe level. Thus, 13 structures have the emergency status and 39 structures - pre-emergency status.

    According to the Ministry of Transport the hydraulic complexes have been operated for 40 -100 years and more. Besides, before 2004, their financing was insufficient. Financing of overhaul started only in 2003 (RUR 24 million). Throughout four years overhaul was carried out at 140 facilities which made it possible to stop their degradation.
    Life period of metal structures of locks are some 30 – 35 years, after which they are to be replaced. Besides, overhaul is needed every 5 years. Overhaul of reinforced concrete structure is required every 30 years, mechanical equipment - 15 – 20 years. The above requirements were not observed before 2003.

    Mariya Mokeicheva