• 2008 March 6

    Investments to go by waterways

    The extended meeting of the Council under the Federal Agency of Marine and River Transport paid considerable attention to the development of inland waterways. Last year, the volume of cargo transported by inland waterways grew by 10%. However, the development of river transportation requires large scale investments into infrastructure. Otherwise, the shipping will become unprofitable and unsafe. In 2008, RUR 4.2 billion will be allocated from the federal budget for implementation of subprogram “Inland Waterways” within the framework of the federal special purpose program “Modernization of Russia’s Transport System”. RUR 8.3 billion will be spent for maintenance of inland waterways and hydraulic engineering. The draft project for extension of the special purpose program is under development today. It is supposed that total financing will exceed RUR 230 billion by 2015, with a major part of costs to be born by the federal budget.

    Growing volumes

    According to the data provided by the RF Ministry of Transport, the volume of cargo transported by inland waterways throughout navigation of 2007 totaled 152.4 million tonnes (+9.5%, year-on-year) including 131.3 million tonnes of domestic transport and 21.1 million tonnes of foreign trade cargo. The increase should be attributed mainly to extension of the navigation period. The growth was driven mainly by the sector of dry cargo transportation (cement, metal, timber and construction materials), which grew by 12.5%, as well as of raftwood, while transshipment of crude and oil products fell by 30%, year-on-year. Construction materials account for 67.9 % of total turnover at inland waterways, crude and oil products – 6.4 %, raftwood and timber – 7.1 %, metal – 2.7 %,  coal – 1.8 %, fertilizers – 1.6 %, grain – 1.5%, other cargo –  11.0 %.

    Along Volga river

    The largest volumes of cargo transportation fell on Privolzhski federal district – 52.2 million tonnes, which makes over one third of the volumes carried by river transport.

    Transportation by the Volga-Baltic waterway in navigation of 2007 totaled 16.8 million tonnes of cargo (+1.7 million tonnes, or +11.3%, year-on-year). Transportation of oil products grew by 37%, year-on-year, to 3.7 million tonnes, construction materials – by 21.8 % to 5.5 million tonnes.

    Transportation by the Volga-Don waterway grew by 0.7 million tonnes, or by 8.8%, to 8.7 million tonnes owing mainly to the increase in transportation of sulfur. Transportation of oil cargo has remained at the level of 2006 – 4.2 million tonnes.

    Under repair

    State capital investment into the development of inland waterways infrastructure facilities amounted to RUR 2.589.2 billion in 2007, which is 1.6 times more as compared with the allocations of 2006 (RUR 1.57 billion). State financing made it possible to put into operation a number of reconstructed facilities such as main mitergate of the downstream end of the lock No 1, repair overpour gate at Verkhne-Svirski lock of the Volga-Baltic waterway; 2 dolphins of the head pond at the lock No 11 of Belomorkanal; gates of the middle end of lock No 30 of the Volga-Don waterway; emergency repair gates of the upstream head of a lock with walling devise of Pavlovsky lock, mitergate of the downstream end of the right branch of Chaikovski lock, mechanical outfit and metal structures of gates No 6 of the western branch of Perm lock in Kama basin; main mitergate of lock No 24 at Samara hydraulic system at Volga river.

    Plans for the year

    It should be noted that financing of capital repair of hydraulic engineering structures started in 2003. From that moment 37 facilities were put into operation. In 2008, state budget is to allocate RUR 4.2 billion for capital investments into reconstruction of 48 facilities and development of 21 projects.

    The largest facilities to be reconstructed in 2008 include emergency gates No104 and chamber at lock No 7 and No 8 of FSUE Kanal imeni Moskvy, main mitergates of locks No 3 and No 5 at Volga-Baltic waterway and emergency repair gates of lock No 13 of Gorodetsky hydrauklic system at Volga river as well as the gates at locks No 4, No 10 and No 14 at Volga-Don navigation canal.  

    Looking into the future

    As of today a subprogram “Inland waterways” is under development within the framework of Federal special purpose program “Modernization of Russia’s Transport System (2002-2010)” as it is to be extended to 2015. Total financing of the subprogram is to make RUR 234.7 billion including RUR 163 billion to be allocated from the federal budget, over RUR 1 billion – from the budgets of the RF subjects, RUR 57.5 billion – from off-budget sources and RUR 13.17 billion – from the RF Investment Fund.

    Implementation of the subprogram will result in decrease the length and the share of waterways limiting the capacity of United deepwater system of Russia’s European part from 4,869 kilometers (75 %) to 889 kilometers120 kilometers, while the length of cargo berths to be built in river ports is to make 2,420 running meters. The program will make it possible to raise the capacity of river ports by 22 million tonnes.

    The program developers believe that implementation of the subprogram will raise the competitiveness of inland waterways within the framework of international transport corridors as the sectors limiting their capacity will be liquidated resulting in improvement of waterways’ safety. There is one more target of the subprogram, which is to raise investment attractiveness  of inland waterways.

    Mariya Mokeicheva, based on materials of the RF Ministry of Transport (14%) by 2013. The length of inland waterways to be reconstructed is to total