• 2007 September 26

    Igor Levitin: “The ports of Primorie have approached the limit of their transshipment capacity”

    PortNews IAA publishes the report of RF Transport Minister Igor Levitin at the Maritime Board chaired by Russian First Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov.

    Dear Sergei Borisovich!

    Dear colleagues!

    This report is dedicated to implementation of activities provisioned by a Package of measures aimed at development of ports and port operation under specific conditions of the Far East.

    The Far Eastern basin comprises 25 ports accounting for over 50% of coastal trade cargo handled in Russia (14 million tonnes of total 25 million tonnes). However, today basic port facilities of the region approach the limit of their transshipment capacity.

    The activities aimed at seaport infrastructure development will be implemented through the activities provisioned by the subprogram “Marine Transport” of the federal special-purpose program (FSPP) “Modernization of Russia’s transport system (2002-2010)”, FSPP “Economic and social development of the Far East and Transbaikalia till 2013” and new FSPP “Development of Russia’s transport system (2010-2015)”, developed according to the order of Russian Federation President V.V. Putin.

    Vostochny is the largest port of the Far East. Development of the project “Integrated development of transport hub port Vostochny” has been included into the subprogram “Development of transport services export” for 2007. The project’s target is to improve efficiency of the system of multimodal export & import cargo transportation. By 2015 it is planned to raise the capacity of the port’s container complex to 5 million containers and that the port’s coal complex – to 20 million tonnes. Besides, by the same year it is planned to build a new grain complex capable of handling 5 million tonnes per year and a transport & logistics complex within the port’s district.

    The program also provisions activities aimed at development of railway infrastructure so that cargo could be delivered to Vanino-Sovgavan transport hub. The project valued at RUR 25.4 billion  provisions development of Vanino, Komsomolsk and Novy Urgal stations, as well as construction of Kuznetsovsky tunnel, the project of which was supported by the Government commission in Sochi.

    In the port of Vladivostok there will be modern passenger complex capable of simultaneous handling of three 350-meter long cruise vessels with the capacity over 3,000 people each. The complex’s capacity will be up to half a million of passengers per year.

    The development of the port of Nakhodka is hindered by limited urban development and insufficient depth at the berths. These problems are planned to be solved through transferring of the existing berths by over 50 meters seaward.

    In the port of Kholmsk it is planned to carry out the first phase of reconstruction of protecting structures and of the ferry complex of the Vanino-Kholmsk link.

    In the port of Magadan it is planned to reconstruct berths in order to create modern complex for transshipment of oil, in compliance of fire-fighting and sanitary norms and rules.

    In the port of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatski it is planned to create modern complex for servicing cruise vessels on the basis of unfinished berth No 13 and to carry out reconstruction of berths No 11 and No 12. Besides, there is a package plan aimed at bringing seismic stability of state-owned port facilities in compliance with current norms.

    In the port of Anadyr it is panned to reconstruct hydraulic structures and to introduce modern equipment for navigation and control of shipping.


    Implementation of the above activities will make it possible to increase throughput of the Far Eastern ports to 145 million tonnes by 2015 (including increase of liquid bulk cargo transshipment to 70 million tonnes), and to ensure transshipment of cargo within the framework of “Northern procurement”.