• 2006 October 25

    The first annual Oil Terminal awards ceremony

    The first international Oil Terminal 2006 awards ceremony took place on 20th October at the Radius-Hall cultural-leisure center in Moscow.


    The Advisory Board members have analyzed the activities of oil terminals in Russia, CIS, Eastern and Western Europe. The finalists were mainly selected from the terminals, which had nominated themselves and provided all the necessary information as well as from the terminals nominated by the. Advisory Board members


    The jury was composed of the persons heading the following companies and bodies of Russia and Europe: Lukoil, Vitol, Belneftekhim Baltic, Administrations of Rotterdam, Marseilles and Atwerp ports, Administration of Krasnodar region of RF, Petroleum Argus, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Channoil Consultancy, Petromrket, TankBank, Federal Agency of River and Sea Transport, Rosmorport, Rostekhnadzor, Rostransnadzor, LenmorNIIProject, PortWorld, MultiPort and CBI Engineering. Complete list of the Advisory Board is provided at the ceremony site: www.oilterminal.org

    The selection process of the best oil terminals lasted for half a year. The winners were determined in the result of hot discussions of the Advisory Board held on October 19. The intrigue remained till the last moment for everybody including the Advisory Board members.


    When opening the ceremony, Oksana Fedoseeva, head of the awards Organization Committee, said, that each terminal which has become a finalist, is a winner already since it is an achievement anyway. In some nominations the opinions of the Advisory Board members were distributed in equal proportions, so that it was difficult sometimes to determine the winner.


    For example, when voting for terminals in the “Attraction as an investment nomination” the experts proposed to exclude the nomination or to name 4 finalists without naming the winner since it was too difficult to determine first among equal. However, Argos Terminal of Rotterdam became the winner selected among other finalists: Baltic Petroleum (port of Kaliningrad, Russia/ Great Britain) and RN-Tuapsenefteprolukt (Russia).


    When discussing the “Reliable Partner” nomination, the Board’s unanimous decision was to leave 4 finalists as each of them inspired respect and satisfaction. Nevertheless, Petersburg Oil Terminal was a little ahead of Ventspils Nafta, LRT and Pakterminal.


    It is a pleasure to note that the easiest decision was taken in one of the most significant nomination – “The most environmentally safe terminal”. SMNP Primorsk owned by Transneft company was far ahead of other finalists as well as Lukoil – II, Vysotsk in the “Breakthrough of the year” nomination.

    The finalists of the “Best engineering and technical capacity” nomination were Klaipedos Nafta, SMNP Primorsk and Caspian Pipeline Consortium Marine Terminal, which was the winner.


    The “Bold innovations” nomination evoked special interest and discussions. The winner was Taman transshipment complex, only one voice ahead of its major opponent - Transbunker (Vanino port). One more finalist here was Milstrand Oil Terminal (Estonia).


    The award in the “Public opinion” nomination was given to Eurodek of Estonia according to the public survey held among traders and headsof logistics departments. The winner of the “International terminal” was Maasvlakte Oile Terminal (MOT, Netherlands).


    This new award was enthusiastically greeted by the market participants. The event was a success. Tony Quinn, Advisory Board member and founder of the Tank Bank information portal has noted exclusiveness of this project since there are no similar awards in the world. He said he hopes that not only Western, Eastern Europe and CIS countries are to participate next time, but American and Asian countries are to participate as well. So the award is acquiring a global status as a symbol of experience exchange between representatives of port services and oil terminals of the world.


    Olga Kurenkova, Operations Division Manager of VNT S.A Moscow office underlined importance of this award for the market and encouraged the terminals to take more active part in the contest and to provide more detailed information about their activities. According to Kurenkova, it is to make the award more objective.


    Organization Committee

    The winners of Oil Terminal 2006 awards


    The awards ceremony has been established to recognize the success and achievements, as well as the positive multi-faceted impact on the market by oil ports and terminals; to value their efficient operations, and their role in the development of the energy export business. Recognition of the best performers will promote healthy competition and due approach to doing business by staff and management of oil terminals and port authorities.


    In 2006 there were 8 nominations:


    1 The most environmentally safe terminal


    The award in this nomination goes to the terminal with the best results in terms of energy saving and environmental protection in its region, (and) the terminal with the most advanced oil spill safety systems, identification and effective liquidation of leaks.


    - SMNP Primorsk, Russia - winner

    - Klaipedos Nafta, Lithuania - finalist

    - Pakterminal, Estonia - finalist


    2. Breakthrough of the year


    The award in this nomination goes to the terminal with the highest growth rate figures in 2005. This is the terminal making a "break-through" in its area as a result of the efficient implementation of its plans and the professionalism of its management.


    - Lukoil – II, Vysotsk, Russia - winner

    - Eurotank, Netherlands - finalist

    - SMNP Primorsk, Russia - finalist

    3. Best engineering and technical capacity


    The award in this nomination goes to the terminal with the highest degree of automation of its operations, making use of automated oil transshipment, measuring, monitoring, and product separating systems. This is the terminal taking performance in this area to a new level of technology.


    - Caspian Pipeline Consortium Marine Terminal, Russia – winner

    - Klaipedos Nafta, Lithuania – finalist

    - SMNP Primorsk, Russia - finalist


    4. International terminal


    This award goes to the terminal working with the most number of foreign partners.

    - Maasvlakte Oile Terminal (MOT), Netherlands - winner

    - Nordic Storage, Sweden - finalist

    - Caspian Pipeline Consortium Marine Terminal, Russia - finalist


    5. Bold innovations


    This nomination includes terminals with the capacity and intent to implement new, unique business approaches, enabling them to be market leaders and retain their position.

    - Taman Transshipment Complex, Russia - winner

    - Transbunker, Russia - finalist

    - Milstrand Oil Terminal, Estonia – finalist

    6. Attraction as an investment


    The award in this nomination goes to the terminal with the best growth in figures reflecting its attractiveness as an investment. Factors considered are those impacting on return and risk on investments, including information transparency, competence of personnel, capitalisation growth, and listing at leading exchanges.


    - Argos Terminal, Netherlands - winner

    - Baltic Petroleum, Russia/Great Britain - finalist

    - RN-Tuapsenefteprolukt, Russia – finalist


    7. Reliable partner


    This award recognizes efforts to improve performance, have excellent relations with clients, and the skill to understand their needs and requirements as prerequisites of successful management. The award in this nomination will go to the terminal with the team, which, having all of the above makes their company a reliable business partner for many companies. This is the terminal with maximum attention to the interests of every client.


    - St. Petersburg Oil Terminal, Russia - winner

    - Ventspils Nafta, Latvia – finalist

    - Latvijas – Rietumu Terminals (LRT), Latvia - finalist

    - Pakterminal, Estonia – finalist


    8. Public opinion


    The award in this nomination goes to the terminal mentioned most frequently by respondents in a public survey among traders and heads of logistics departments in oil companies.


    - Eurodek, Estonia - winner