• Forum of dredging companies to take place in Moscow on February 5, 2014

    19 ноября 2013

    • Media-Group PortNews has commenced preparing a new industry-focused event – Forum of dredging companies. Please, see our proposal and decide upon your participation in the forum

      Venue and time: February 5, 2014, Ararat Park Hyatt Moscow

      Organizer: IAA PortNews

      with the assistance of RF Ministry of Transport

      Primary sponsor: dredging company Yan De Nul

      Partner: FSUE Rosmorport

      Sponsors: Van Oord, Mordraga (DEME Group), Gydromekh Morskiye Resheniya (subsidiary of Zavod Mekhanizatsii CJSC) and Porteco LLC.

      Working languages: Russian, English


      - To learn about new dredging and land reclamation technologies

      - To review state-of-the-art equipment for operations in seaports’ water areas

      - To discuss issues related to dredging and bank protection of Russia’s inland waterways

      - To evaluate and to present the audience with Russian ports’ demand of dredging and land reclamation works (in particular, to report on the actual status of the Strategy for the development of seaport infrastructure)

      - To provide information about amendments introduced into the legislation related to dredging operations

      - To discuss ecological aspects of dredging and land reclamation works

      The forum will be a ground for communication of customers and dredging companies.

      The event provides opportunities for particular presentations.

      Participation should be paid for. Address your applications to snitko@portnews.ru