• 2013 December 5

    Marina Kovtun: “Rosneft is our principal partner today”

    Murmansk Region was looking to implementation of Shtokman project when Rosneft, instead of Gazprom, showed interest in the possibilities of Murmansk port. On the margins of the III International Forum “Arctic: present and future” Murmansk Region Governor Marina Kovtun tells IAA PortNews about the partnership with Rosneft.

    - Rosneft has been recently showing much interest in port Murmansk. Could you, please, tell about the Region’s partnership with the company.

    - Rosneft is our principal partner today as Gazprom’s Shtokman project has been put on ice, as you know. In June 2013, we signed two agreements with Rosneft. One of them implies the participation of the oil company in implementation of Murmansk Transport Hub project, with the other relating to gas engine fuel. 

    As of today, Rosneft is already a resident of our special economic zone and incorporator of MTH. There is a plan to build facilities based on 82nd ship repair yard for Rosneft to develop offshore fields. Besides, an oil terminal is to be built at port Murmansk as well as logistic and storage infrastructure.

    We have established work groups for each activity covered by our agreements. Murmansk Business Week was attended by Rosneft delegation and we discussed implementation of our plans. We are satisfied with the progress rates. We feel deep interest of Rosneft in the port of Murmansk and its opportunities.

    - Can Rosneft projects substitute Shtokman for Murmansk region?

    - We hope that Rosneft will obtain a license for the development of Murmanskoye field. It is not as big as Shtokmanovskoye field but it is 3 times closer to our coast, 200 km from it. It could satisfy our gas demands. It would be enough for Murmansk Region and, probably, for export. 

    Besides, Karmorneftegaz (joint venture of Rosneft and ExxonMobil – ed.) is exploring the Kara Sea. If they discover sufficient resources, the development will certainly commence there.

    - When do you expect the construction of facilities based on 82nd ship repair yard to start?

    - The work is in progress but it is not an easy task. It touches the interests of the Ministry of Defense in repair and servicing of cruisers – a floating dock is located there. A lot of issues should be coordinated with the Defense Ministry and Rosneft is busy with this now. Besides, it is necessary to amend the limits of restricted territorial entity, so there is a lot of work to do. We hope to keep the pace set by Rosneft. In this case, the work will start in 2014.

    - Norway is known for its wide experience in development of northern offshore fields. Does the Murmansk Region study the experience of its neighbor in development of onshore infrastructure of offshore projects?

    - Norway is not only our strong competitor – it is also our good partner in terms of experience exchange. Within the framework of our cooperation with Rogaland County we implement a project on creation of a base for Arctic shelf development. The County representatives visit our Region and our representatives have been to Stavanger (capital of Rogaland County – ed.) to get acquainted with their port infrastructure and logistic involved in operation of oil platforms and vessels.

    Interviewed by Vitaly Chernov