• 2013 October 7

    Sergey Baryshnikov: “we should make our graduates stay in the industry”

    Sergey Baryshnikov, Rector of the Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping, tells IAA PortNews about the events to involve the tall ship Mir in 2014 and about the first results of merging two institutions into the new University.

    - Mr. Baryshnikov, tell about the enrolment of 2013б please.

    - It was the first enrolment of the newly integrated institution. We have completely fulfilled our plan and now we have 2,200 state-subsidized places occupied. Besides, the number of students and cadets at non-subsidized places is the same as it was at St.-Petersburg State University of Waterway Communications (SPSUWC) alone. With a larger institution we would prefer to have more non-subsidized students.   

    - Could you, please, tell about the work on issue of new educational books?

    -  We have been preparing new educational books in compliance with the order of RF Transport Ministry. Such large representatives of the industry as Sovcomflot, Gazprom and other companies are involved. Some of the books are being published already.

    - What about the scientific work?

    - After integration we intensified our scientific activities with increased financing of the integrated university.

    - What events will involve the tall ship Mir in 2014?

    - First of all, it will be the year when Rosmorrechflot celebrates its tenth anniversary. All the activities of the University are dedicated to this event.

    According to the decision of Rosmorrechflot, the Mir will be moored in port Sochi during the Olympic Games. Our cadets will be the Olympics volunteers. Besides, the issue of similar participation in the Paralympics is under discussion now. We are going to arrange a number of activities aimed at popularization of maritime education. 

    Besides, in 2014 we are going to celebrate 300-year anniversary of Gangut Victory of the Russian fleet (July, 1714). It was not only the first victory of Russia’s regular fleet but also a mother of all future marine victories. We are preparing a special programme in this respect. An icon created for the icon stand of St. Panteleimon church built in Saint-Petersburg in commemoration of Gangut victory will be delivered by the Mir to Athos (Greece) for consecration in the Cathedral of St. Panteleimon and then taken to the places of important marine victories of Russia – Corfu, Sinop, Navarin. These activities will be held parallel to the cadets’ sailing practice.

    We are going to participate in celebrations dedicated to the 300-year anniversary of Gangut battle in Finland. As we now, each country which participated in the Northern War will present two ships (Great Britain, Finland, Sweden, Russia).

    Then the Mir will deliver the icon consecrated in the name of St. Vladimir to Saint-Petersburg and placed at the icon stand of St. Panteleimon church with participation of our cadets.

    We plan that different cadets will participate in different parts of the voyage. We will also invite students and cadets of other educational institutions.

    - Do you plan to develop your educational shore base?

    - Our educational shore base Zapadny Berezovy (Primorsk, Saint-Petersburg) familiarizes the cadets with the sea. We are going to upgrade the base and improve its efficiency. Presently, we use it only two months a week but our task is to make it possible to work for a longer time there.

    - The Makarov University is the leader in the sphere of additional education. How has the merge influenced this activity?

    - Our industry features the necessity to of regular retraining of personnel. For this purpose we have a good training center and quite a lot of programmes we successfully apply.   

    With the merge of St.-Petersburg State University of Waterway Communications (SPSUWC) and Admiral Makarov State Maritime Academy (SMA) there laboratory and training centers integrated as well.

    - What are advantages and disadvantages of the integration?

    - The only disadvantage is the worrying process of integration. To mitigate this, we have decided not to hire new teachers until all our staff teachers are provided with the working places.

    First of all, the integration is to improve the education quality and to strengthening the discipline. These are our major targets. We also strive to make our graduates stay in the sphere of the water transport. I think the merge of the two institutions will help us fulfill the tasks set forth by the Rosmorrechflot and the Transport Ministry.

    Interviewed by Margarita Babkova