• 2019 September 29 12:57

    NIBULON put into operation its 140-m NIBULON MAX floating vessel

    On September 20, NIBULON put into operation its 140-m NIBULON MAX floating vessel, the company says in a press release.

    NIBULON, a leader in the agrarian market and shipbuilding sector of Ukraine, once again demonstrated its productivity, innovation, and efficiency. Recently, the company has put into operation a 140-m NIBULON MAX river-sea floating vessel, the longest one built for the past 25 years of Ukraine’s independence. The vessel flies Ukraine’s flag. The event was held as part of the international TRANS EXPO ODESA MYKOLAIV 2019 forum organized by NIBULON together with MediaCompass at NIBULON shipbuilding and repair yard in Mykolaiv.

    NIBULON MAХ will enable the company to increase the annual river transshipment by fleet by 2-3 million tons per year and to increase transshipment volumes by NIBULON’s fleet up to 5 million tons per year.

    Construction of this class vessel is an absolutely new and higher level of NIBULON’s shipbuilding facilities. For this purpose, the shipyard modernized a slipway as well as a launching and lifting gear, thereby increasing the number of launching ways. The company reconstructed and modernized the existing capacities. Upon its completion, the shipyard will be the most state-of-the-art facility in Ukraine and, without doubt, one of the best shipyards in Europe.

    According to the last year’s results, the 2018/19 marketing year became the most successful in the history of NIBULON’s shipping company. We achieved the goal set, having transported more than 3.5 million tons of various cargoes by inland waterways; thus, the company has increased transportation volumes by 40 %.  Consequently, NIBULON removed more than 145 thousand trucks from roads.

    By the end of this year, the company’s fleet will number 80 units. Most of the vessels were constructed according to NIBULON’s own designs and at its own capacities.  During this day, NIBULON keel-laid new vessels, namely Т410 harbour tug designed for pushing and docking operations and non-self-propelled B1500 project open type vessel. The vessels will transport building cargoes along the Southern Bug River.

    According to NIBULON’s General Director, Hero of Ukraine Oleksiy Vadaturskyy, the company has already invested more than USD 2.1 billion in Ukraine’s economy, USD 600 million of which were allocated to construct the fleet. “Today, we have proved by actions that Mykolaiv is a productive region. NIBULON does everything to make Ukraine a maritime state, rather than just a country with a sea coast”, he mentioned.

    O. Vadaturskyy also added that one working place in shipbuilding ensures 10 new jobs in related sectors. Thus, the company has created not less than 10 thousand workplaces in metallurgy, construction, and service sector.

    It would be impossible to implement this project without the assistance of NIBULON’s international financial partners, namely the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the International Finance Corporation which have been working with the company for many years. “NIBULON is a very reliable partner for international bankers. The company created 7 thousand workplaces. It is an efficient employer. NIBULON is also a very important taxpayer in this country, thereby developing the regional economy in different fields. NIBULON is an exceptional company. If you invest hundreds of millions of dollars, it means that you believe in your region and your country”, mentioned Head of the EIB Representation in Ukraine Jean-Erik De Zagon. It is symbolic that an honorary title of the vessel’s godmother was given to the EBRD’s Agribusiness Projects Principal Banker Lesia Kuzmenko when putting into operation the largest NIBULON MAX vessel. “We are proud of having NIBULON as our client in Ukraine. It is a pride for the country as well. We want Ukraine to have more such companies. We will support the company in its further development. We will be a reliable financial partner”, she mentioned during the festivities.

    Artem Zubkov, IFC’s Representative, noted that NIBULON was a reliable partner for the international financial institutions, and the construction of such a unique vessel was the most powerful impetus to develop Ukraine’s infrastructure. He also hoped that cooperation between NIBULON and the International Finance Cooperation would be continued.

    Heads of Mykolaiv and Kherson Regional State Administrations participated in the solemnities. “Everyone is related to this important day, when we are able to see the real result rather than empty talks”, mentioned Oleksandr Stadnik, Head of Mykolaiv Regional Administration. I want to thank NIBULON’s General Director, owner, Hero of Ukraine. It is a very important moment for me. We all can thank Oleksiy Vadaturskyy for his good work. It is a great event. The most important thing is that shipbuilding, which has not been developed for a long time, is revived in Ukraine.  I thank you greatly for this.

    According to Head of Kherson Regional Administration, NIBULON becomes a driving force behind the transformation in any region, where the company constructs its facilities. “NIBULON makes the government work, makes business work better, makes the state authorities work to satisfy needs of business and investors, and, in the final result, to satisfy people’s needs”, said Yuriy Husev.

    “Someone says it is impossible, but Oleksiy Vadaturskyy simply implements it together with his team. He does not make statements; he just works. I think if each our citizen will act the same way, Ukraine will achieve success”, mentioned Oleksandr Sienkevych, Mykolaiv mayor. Viktoria Moskalenko, head of Mykolaiv Regional Council, presented Oleksiy Vadaturskyy with the 1-st Degree Order of Merit for Mykolaiv region, the highest acknowledgement of the region.

    Representatives from embassies and the company’s financial partners highly appreciated NIBULON’s contribution to the development of Ukraine’s economy. 

    Thus, Riny Bus, Head of the Economic Cluster of the Netherlands Embassy in Ukraine, recollected her visit to NIBULON’s facilities two years ago. She attended the first international “Shipbuilding and Water Transport” exhibition, since then everything has been changed completely.  According to her, there should be more companies in Ukraine like NIBULON to develop the economy and water transport. “The Dnipro River requires development in order to be used as a transport artery. Let other companies follow NIBULON’s example. I would like NIBULON’s initiatives to bring peace and stability in Ukraine”, said Riny Bus.

    NIBULON greatly contributes to the development of Ukraine’s infrastructure”, stated Jaime Ramón Fernández Sánchez, Head of the Economic and Commercial Office of the Spanish Embassy. “I am proud that Spanish companies promoted NIBULON’s leadership in this sector. In addition, Spain is a reliable partner of Ukraine in grain exports”.

    More than 100 companies which are engaged in constructing vessels and producing ship equipment, providing different services in shipbuilding and navigation sector participated in the exhibition dedicated to shipbuilding and navigation in Ukraine. Most of the participants are contractors and partners of NIBULON, the largest producer of the cargo fleet in Ukraine.

    An exciting water show with the participation of NIBULON’s entire fleet series was the most enchanting event for the guests. During this unique event, they managed to estimate NIBULON’s fleet quantity and discover its capacities in a new way.   

    “I would like to say publicly that Mykolaiv is a city of shipbuilders rather than a gangster city.  I am proud of working here. Let us make everything so that our city may have only with positive events. The well-developed economy will contribute to the positive changes in the country”, thinks Oleksiy Vadaturskyy.

23 апреля 2024

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13:18 НКХП увеличил перевалку экспортного зерна в марте 2024 года на 2,5% — до 737,2 тыс. тонн
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08:00 Ульяновск прогнозирует рост количество круизных туристов в навигацию 2024 года на 7,5%

22 апреля 2024

19:00 Российская палата судоходства отмечает 30-летие деятельности
18:34 Швейцарская MSС примет участие в создании плавучего госпиталя для медицинской помощи жителям африканских стран
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17:36 Ледоколы «Капитан Чадаев» и «Капитан Евдокимов» выполнят на Северной Двине противопаводковые работы
17:14 Росморпорт предпринял вторую попытку найти поставщика автомобильно-железнодорожного парома
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16:30 В Финском заливе возобновляется круглосуточное плавание судов по фарватеру № 11 и Корабельному каналу
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13:45 Перевозка удобрений на экспорт по сети РЖД в направлении портов в январе-марте 2024 года выросла на 31%
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11:58 Навигация в Волжском бассейне открыта выходом первого судна из ворот 14-го шлюза Городецкого гидроузла
11:52 РБК: Гендиректор Балтийского завода Юрий Гордиенков в ближайшее время покинет должность
11:33 Причалы и набережные Москвы подготовлены к старту навигации
11:14 Суд в Магадане рассмотрит дело старпома морского судна, допустившего столкновение с рыболовным траулером
10:56 Второй строящийся в Китае круизный лайнер зашел на верфь в Шанхае для окончательной сборки
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10:12 На производственной площадке «Лотос» завершены ходовые испытания третьего земснаряда с фрезерным рыхлителем
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08:58 Электрокатамаран «Белояр» начнет пассажироперевозки по Волге весной 2024 года
08:23 Перевозки экспортного угля по ДВЖД за январь-март 2024 года выросли на 11% — до 7,1 млн тонн
08:00 Ледокол «Капитан Мецайк» должен пройти доковый ремонт в 2024 году

21 апреля 2024

11:34 Российские ученые разработали краску, защищающую суда и ГТС от биообрастания
11:12 Губернатор: На корабле в Севастополе отбита атака противокорабельной ракеты
11:06 Владимир Путин поручил разработать меры по обновлению малотоннажного рыбопромыслового флота
10:30 В Саратовской области открылась пассажирская речная навигация-2024

20 апреля 2024

14:43 В Авачинской бухте прошло учение по оказанию помощи терпящему бедствие судну в море
13:37 Экспорт СПГ из России в Китай в I квартале 2024 года сократился на 19,66% в денежном выражении
12:59 Объем внешней торговли между Китаем и Россией за I квартал 2024 года вырос на 5,2% в денежном выражении
12:36 Правительство РФ утвердило дополнительную тарифную квоту на вывоз зерновых в 2024 году